Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday reading - new acquisitions

Here are some titles that are just arriving in the library - you'll notice that several of them have Stanford ties (Girard, Canto-Sperber, and a special mention to the publication of Lara Moore's dissertation, Restoring Order: The Ecole Des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France, 1820-1870.)


Anspach, Mark Rogin. René Girard. (Cahiers de l’Herne, 89). Paris: Herne, 2008.

Artiaga, Loïc. Le roman populaire: des premiers feuilletons aux adaptions télévisuelles, 1836-1960. Collection Mémoires, no. 143. Paris: Autrement, 2008.

Boileau Despréaux, Nicolas, 1636-1711. Art of poetry and Lutrin. Richmond, Surrey, U.K. : Oneworld Classics, 2008.

Canto-Sperber, Monique. Que peut l'éthique? Conversations pour demain. Paris: Textuel, 2008.

Cheng, François. L’un vers l’autre: en voyage avec Victor Segalen. Paris : A. Michel, 2008.

Dubreuil, Laurent. L'empire du langage: colonies et francophonie. Paris: Hermann, 2008.

Étienne, Marie. King of a hundred horsemen. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008.

Les ports dans l'Europe méditerranéenne: trafics et circulation, images et représentations, XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du colloque tenu à Montpellier les 19 et 20 mars 2004 en hommage à Louis Dermigny (1916-1974). Montpellier: Publications Montpellier 3, 2008.

McCabe, Ina Baghdiantz. Orientalism in early modern France : Eurasian trade, exoticism, and the Ancien Régime. Oxford ; New York : Berg, 2008.

Mokkadem, Hamid. Littératures calédoniennes: la littérature océanienne francophone est-elle une littérature française? Marseille: La courte échelle éditions transit, 2008.

Moore, Lara Jennifer. Restoring Order: The Ecole Des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France, 1820-1870. Duluth, Minn: Litwin Books, 2008.


Bertozzi, Marco, 1963- Storia del documentario italiano : immagini e culture dell'altro cinema. Venezia : Marsilio, 2008.

Lettere in libertà : dalle iniziali miniate ai graffiti, alfabeti, segni, immagini. Parma : Museo Bodoniano, 2007.

Luzzi, Joseph. Romantic Europe and the ghost of Italy. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2008.

Picone, Michelangelo, 1943- Boccaccio e la codificazione della novella : letture del "Decameron". Ravenna : Longo, c2008.

Rea, Roberto. Cavalcanti poeta : uno studio sul lessico lirico. Roma : Nuova cultura, 2008.

Santoro, Marco. Materiali per una bibliografia degli studi sulla storia del libro italiano. Pisa : F. Serra, 2008.

Scriboni, Mirella. Abbasso la guerra! : voci di donne da Adua al primo conflitto mondiale (1896-1915). Pisa : BFS, c2008.

On the Italian front, I'd also like to bring your attention to a new facsimile edition of Leonardo da Vinci's Leicester Codex, with English translation, available to consult in Special Collections:

Leonardo, da Vinci, 1452-1519. The Leicester Codex (Hammer Codex). Roma: TREC edizioni pregiati, c2006.

And if you have time this holiday season, the Legion of Honor museum in SF has a nice exhibit of some of Leonardo's drawings from the collections of the Biblioteca Reale in Turin.

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brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections