Friday, October 30, 2009

Early French colonialism

A new bibliography of articles on French colonialism until 1815 just arrived - arranged by author, but with a subject index. For those of you working on the French overseas, this looks to be an important resource. It will be shelved in the Lane Room.

Roquincourt, Thierry. Articles historiques sur les marines, colonies et outre-mers: XVe siècle-1815 : bibliographie : contribution à un recensement des articles publiés en français parmi une sélection de périodiques des XIXe, XXe, et XXIe siècles. Paris: SPM, 2009. 649p.

This updates the author's has an earlier bibliography that focuses on French overseas presence during the French Revolution and Napoleonic period. Click here for the record.


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Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections