Tuesday, December 15, 2009
le patromoine numerique = the continuing saga
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
MANIOC - digital library of Caribbean materials
While the content is currently limited, I hope that it will grow. In the future, materials in MANIOC will also be accessible through Gallica. This is a resource to know and follow about for those of you working on the francophone Caribbean.
Another one
Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry. La princesse et le président: roman. Paris: Fallois, 2009.
The subject, a romance between the President of France and a British princess. Hopefully it won't win the Bad Sex prize. From the passage on the back cover, it looked a bit too demure for that. Find out for yourself, it should be in the stacks soon.
Commentaire and plot synopsis in Le Figaro...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
New Prize for Les Bienveillantes
For more on this prize, and the passage that convinced the judges, see:
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Recently acquired rare and antiquarian books
Ageorges, Joseph. Voyages sur la terre et dans la lune. [Paris]: Bloud & Gay, 1942.
A utopian novel.
Analecta Juris Pontifici: Recueil de Dissertations sur Differents Sujects de Droit Canonique, de Liturgie, de Theologie et d'Histoire. Vols. 1-12, 14-22 (1855-1883). Paris: Victor Palme, etc., 21 vols.
Des Roches, Catherine Fredonnoit, dame, 1542-1587. La puce de Mme Desroches. Paris, D. Jouaust, 1872.
Eseqvie fatte in Venetia dalla natione fiorentina al serenissimo D. Cosimo II qvarto gran dvca di Toscana il di 25 di maggio 1621. In Venetia : Appresso il Ciotti, 1621.
Beautiful engravings, and a postface by Giorgio Strozzi.
Gatti de Gamond, Zoé, and Victor Adam. Fièvres de l'ame. Paris: Delahaye, 1844. VIII-343 pp., 21 lithographies hors texte par Victor Adam, Ed. Frère, etc.
Charlotte Gatti (1806-1854), an early Belgian feminist, was a follower of Fourier and authored Fourier et son système.
La via femminile. Imprint: Roma : Via Femminile, 1968-1976.
Italian feminist journal
Maistre, J. de. Considérations sur la France. Londres, 1797. Woodcut royal arms on title, woodcut headpiece and some small woodcut tailpieces. (4), iv, 246 pp. 8vo.
Earliest edition held in the US!
Türr, István, 1825-1908. L'opera di Stefano Türr nel risorgimento italiano (1849-1870) Descritta dalla figlia ... Firenze, Tipografia fascista [1928]
Monday, November 23, 2009
Grimod de la Reynière
Grimod de La Reynière, Alexandre Balthasar Laurent, and Jean-François Coste. Almanach Des Gourmands, Servant De Guide Dans Les Moyens De Faire Excellente Chère: Par Un Vieil Amateur. [1.]-8. Année.. Paris: Chez Maradan [etc.], 1803-12.
In addition, we have Grimod de la Reyniere's Manuel des amphitryons : contenant un traité de la dissection des viandes à table, la nomenclature des menus les plus nouveaux pour chaque saison, et des élémens de politesse gourmande.
Just in time for Thanksgiving.
Bon appétit!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wednesday primary source #11 - Italian chancellery history
For those interested in early modern Italian diplomatic history...
Title: Memorie istoriche di diversi luoghi, ed altro. Other title: Memorie storiche di diversi luoghi, ed altro
Other title: History as seen from an Italian Chancellery : unpublished manuscript codex, 1565-1614.
Physical Description: 1 v. (529 ff. ; folio, 34.5 x 23 cm)
Note: Bound in contemporary quarter vellum and cartonato, title on spine, text in neat chancellery hands.
Summary: This unpublished manuscript is from the diplomatic archive of an Italian chancellery, probably compiled in the opening decades of the 17th century. It covers a geographically diverse area of interests from
MSS CODEX 0093 F 1 Manuscript Collection -- Request at Special Collections Desk
For the full record, click : http://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/6687427
Monday, November 9, 2009
Marseille, Jacques. L'Oréal: 1909-2009. Paris: Perrin, 2009.
It is folio-sized,with a bright yellow dust jacket and a sketch of a woman's face dwarfed by a swirl of hair. I couldn't resist, and spent some time paging through the book, looking at the old advertisements and historical photos and skimming the text. No piece of fluff, this book is for anyone interested in gender issues and the representation of women, and on fashion, makeup, and hair trends in France over the past century. Particularly fascinating are the sections about the role the company played in hygiene education - getting people to wash their hair once or twice a week with DOP and using soap daily (with advertising focused on public transport, of course!). Also notable are the development of self-tanning lotion and sunscreen, hair dye for women, hairspray, and especially how the influence of L'Oreal on advertising.
New Acquisitions, arrivals from October 2009
Here is a selected list of new books that have recently arrived in the Stanford University Library -
Arnaudo, Marco. Il trionfo di Vertunno: illusioni ottiche e cultura letteraria nell'età della Controriforma. Lucca: Maria Pacini Fazzi editore, 2008.
Balzarro, Anna. Roma durante l'occupazione nazifascista: percorsi di ricerca.
Bondanella, Peter E. New Essays on Umberto Eco.
Cavicchioli, Sonia, and Roberta Iotti. Laura Martinozzi d'Este, fille de France, dux Mutinae: studi intorno a Laura Martinozzi reggente del Ducato di Modena, 1662-1674.
Convegno Gramsci nel suo tempo, and Francesco Giasi. Gramsci nel suo tempo. Annali / Fondazione Istituto Gramsci onlus, 16. Roma: Carocci, 2008.
De Napoli, Olindo. La prova della razza: cultura giuridica e razzismo in Italia negli anni Trenta. Firenze: Le Monnier, 2009.
Di Bartolo, Francesco. Terra e fascismo: l'azione agraria nella Sicilia dopoguerra. Roma: XL, 2009.
Isgrò, Giovanni. Sviluppi delle risorse sceniche in Italia: da D'Annunzio agli anni Trenta. Biblioteca teatrale, 162. Roma: Bulzoni, 2009.
Krause, Elizabeth L. Unraveled: A Weaver's Tale of Life Gone Modern.
Novi Chavarria, Elisa. Sacro, pubblico e privato: donne nei secoli XV-XVIII. Passaggi e percorsi, 14.
Pegorari, Daniele Maria. Critico e testimone: storia militante della poesia italiana, 1948-2008. Il tridente, 67.
Tremolanti, Ezio. Il Settecento, luci ed ombre nelle comunità delle colline pisane: economia, società, demografia del comprensorio larigiano. [
Vianello, Amelia. Gli archivi del Consiglio dei dieci: memoria e istanze di riforma nel secondo Settecento veneziano. Ricerche / Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università di Venezia, 55. Padova: Il poligrafo, 2009.
Zanoboni, M. Paola. Salariati nel Medioevo, secoli XIII-XV: "guadagnando bene e lealmente il proprio compenso fino al calar
Zarri, Gabriella. Libri di spirito: editoria religiosa in volgare nei secoli XV-XVII. Torino:
Bergin, Joseph. Church, Society and Religious Change in
Da Vinha, Mathieu. Le Versailles de Louis XIV: le fonctionnement d'une résidence royale au XVIIe siècle. [
Dandrey, Patrick, and Bernard Beugnot. Génétique matérielle, génétique virtuelle: pour une approche généticienne des textes sans archives. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2009.
Dreyfus, Pauline. Robert Badinter, l'épreuve de la justice. Issy-les-Moulineaux: Toucan, 2009.
Einaudi, Jean-Luc. Scènes de la guerre d'Algérie en France: automne 1961.
Latry, Guy. La voix occitane: actes du VIIIe congrès de l'Association internationale d'études occitanes, Bordeaux, 12-17 octobre 2005 2 v. Pessac: Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2009.
Les cérémoniaux catholiques en France á l'époque moderne: une littérature de codification des rites liturgiques. Turnhout: Brepols, 2009.
Mormiche, Pascale. Devenir prince: l'école du pouvoir en France, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle.
Perrot, Michelle. Histoire de chambres. Paris: Seuil, 2009.
Roche, Roger-Yves, and Ruth Amar. Lectures de Modiano. Nantes: Cécile Defaut, 2009.
Roquincourt, Thierry. Articles historiques sur les marines, colonies et outre-mers: XVe siècle-1815 : bibliographie : contribution à un recensement des articles publiés en français parmi une sélection de périodiques des XIXe, XXe, et XXIe siècles.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Early French colonialism
Roquincourt, Thierry. Articles historiques sur les marines, colonies et outre-mers: XVe siècle-1815 : bibliographie : contribution à un recensement des articles publiés en français parmi une sélection de périodiques des XIXe, XXe, et XXIe siècles. Paris: SPM, 2009. 649p.
This updates the author's has an earlier bibliography that focuses on French overseas presence during the French Revolution and Napoleonic period. Click here for the record.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday (actually Friday!) primary source #10 - Italian family accounts
Author: Brancaccio Family
Title: Brancaccio family account book; being a ledger of rents and taxes collected: manuscript codex, January 1624 to April 1637.
Imprint: [Rome?]
Physical Description: 1 volume (126 leaves) ; 4to
This account book, identified on the upper cover as a "Review of things" and as the property of Leonardo, Maria, and one other member of the family, contains detailed descriptions of the monies and goods collected, possibly on behalf of the church. The ledger gives detailed descriptions of rents collected for houses and lands, some paid with money, others paid with grain and goods, plus taxes collected, also paid in money and goods. Several notable names appear throughout the ledger, including those of Medici, Piti, and Borgia.
For the full descriptive record please click here!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
New Acquisitions
Begley, Louis. Why the Dreyfus Affair Matters.
Beigbeder, Frédéric. Un roman français: roman. Paris: Grasset, 2009.
Chauvet, Marie, Rose-Myriam Réjouis, and Val Vinokur. Love, Anger, Madness: A Haitian Trilogy.
Cinémathèque française, Macha Makeieff, and Stéphane Goudet. Jacques Tati: deux temps, trois mouvements-- : une livre.
Dreyfus, Michel. L'antisémitisme à gauche: histoire d'un paradoxe, de 1830 à nos jours. Paris: Découverte, 2009.
Du Châtelet, Gabrielle Emilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, and Judith P. Zinsser. Selected Philosophical and Scientific Writings.
Hardwick, Julie. Family Business: Litigation and the Political Economies of Daily Life in Early Modern
Hugo, Victor, and Marva A. Barnett. Victor Hugo on things that matter: a reader.
Lawday, David. Danton: The Gentle Giant of Terror.
Le Clézio, J.-M. G., and C. Dickson. Desert.
Leon, Mechele. Molière, the French Revolution, and the Theatrical Afterlife. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2009.
Lorcin, Patricia M. E., and Daniel Brewer.
Lyons, John D., and Kathleen Wine. Chance, Literature, and Culture in Early Modern
Ndiaye, Marie. Trois femmes puissantes: roman.
Rockhill, Gabriel, and Philip Watts. Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics.
Vergé-Franceschi, Michel. Le voyage en Corse: anthologie de voyageurs de l'antiquité à nos jours.
Wiazemsky, Anne. Mon enfant de Berlin.
Wolfe, Michael. Walled Towns and the Shaping of
Ajello, Epifanio. Il racconto delle immagini: la fotografia nella modernità letteraria italiana. Biblioteca della modernità letteraria, 12.
Albertazzi, Daniele. Resisting the Tide: Cultures of Opposition Under Berlusconi (2001-06).
Angiolieri, Cecco, and Menotti Stanghellini. Il fiore. Italy?: s. n, 2009.
Cutinelli Rèndina, Emanuele. Guicciardini. Sestante, 18. Roma:
Fava Guzzetta, Lia. Tra simbolismo e futurismo, verso Sud. Segni del moderno, 4.
Ferretti, Cinzia. I Memoriali dei Mamellini, notai bolognesi: legami familiari, vita quotidiana, realtà politica, secc. XV-XVI.
Lussana, Fiamma and Giulia Pissarello. La lingua/le lingue di Gramsci e delle sue opere: scrittura, riscritture, letture in Italia e nel mondo : atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Sassari, 24-26 ottobre 2007. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2008.
Mucciarelli, Roberta, Gabriella Piccinni, and Giuliano Pinto. La costruzione del dominio cittadino sulle campagne: Italia centro-settentrionale, secoli XII-XIV. Piccola biblioteca di ricerca storica, 15.
Pavese, Cesare, and Mariarosa Masoero. Il serpente e la colomba: scritti e soggetti cinematografici.
Pirovano, Donato. Dante e il vero amore: tre letture dantesche. Biblioteca della Rivista di letteratura italiana, 19.
Zorzi, Andrea. La civiltà comunale italiana nella storiografia internazionale. Firenze:
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Italian and French film fests in San Francisco
11 new and recent Italian films will be shown- November 15-22 at the Embarcadero Cinema in San Francisco.
French Cinema Now:
12 mainly new French films will be screened October 29-November 4 at Landmark's Clay Theatre in San Francisco.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
New e-resources - Caribbean Literature
This resource has the full text of 339 works from the 19th and 20th centuries by Caribbean writers in English, French, and Spanish, and creoles. Regular updates and additions are promised. Currently there are 83 titles in French and French creoles, including poetry, prose, and non-fiction, the majority of which Stanford lacks in print.
This should be a welcome addition to our collections, especially given new course offerings in Caribbean literary and cultural studies. You can search within the full-text, by author, title, and limit your search by place of publication, date range, language, and author details.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Foucault across the Bay -
California, Berkeley has made available the most comprehensive collection to date of online audio recordings of lectures and courses by the renowned French philosopher and historian, Michel Foucault. The English language collection features two lecture series delivered at UC Berkeley in the 1980’s on Truth and Subjectivity and Parrhesia. The French language collection offers five complete semester length courses, covering such quintessentially Foucauldian concepts as Parrhesia, governmentality, neoliberalism, security, biopolitics, and sovereignty. The collection includes recordings spanning two decades of thought and instruction, including Foucault’s final 1984 course at the Collège de France.
All recordings can be accessed from the Michel Foucault Audio Archive,
This collection was generously donated to the Media Resources Center by Paul Rabinow, Professor of Social Cultural Anthropology and digitized and edited by Gisèle Binder, Operations Supervisor, Media Resources Center.
Media Resources Center
Moffitt Library
UC Berkeley"
(Thanks to Claude Potts, my counterpart at UCB, for sending this on)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Speaking of Computers
You'll find news about various library/digital resources, as well as information for computer users at Stanford software.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Grand Tour database now available
Right before the beginning of this academic year, we were able to push through the purchase of some primary source databases, including:
The Grand Tour (Adam Mathew Digital) : “…this collection of manuscript, visual and printed works allows scholars to compare a range of sources on the history of travel for the first time, including many from private or neglected collections. We include letters; diaries and journals; account books; printed guidebooks; published travel writing; paintings and sketches; architectural drawings and maps.”
This database covers the years 1550-1850, with a spotlight on the eighteenth century. Daily life on the Continent, especially as experienced by British travelers, as well as religious and political life, transportation and science, intellectual exchange, and cultural exploration are all examined through the primary sources and reference materials included in this database. Simple and advanced searching, a dictionary of travelers, and visual resources all make this a worthwhile resource.
If you are a Stanford user, you can access this from the Databases page, or here:
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Tocqueville Review
Here is the blurb about the journal from the University of Toronto Press:
"The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville
The Tocqueville Review is a French-American bilingual journal
devoted to the comparative study of social change, primarily in Europe
and the United States, but also covering major developments in other
parts of the world, in the spirit of Alexis de Tocqueville's pioneer
investigations. A journal of social science, the Review publishes essays
on current affairs, history, and political philosophy; it also features
a regular section on Tocquevillean studies."
Stanford's print subscription lapsed in 1990-91, so this addition will pick up coverage with the current issue.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Wednesday primary source #10 - French sailors
Author: de Saint-Laurent family
Title: Correspondence, 1786-1791.
Physical Description: 60 letters.
Summary: The letters reflect the numerous naval assignments and
ports visited by the brothers; occasionally one
brother or the other lived in
descriptions of
women, details of daily life including the expense of
laundry, wigs, and hairdressing, room and board; also
descriptions of hospitals in
Guadaloupe, and references to the participation of
French naval vessels in the American revolution.
Note: The correspondence is between two brothers who were
French naval officers based in
was threatened with dissolution.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
New acquisitions -
Gautier Dalché, Patrick. La géographie de Ptolémée en Occident (IVe-XVIe siècle). Terrarum Orbis. Turnhout: Brepols, 2009
Némirovsky, Irène, and Olivier Philipponnat. Les vierges et autres nouvelles. [Paris]: Denoël, 2009.
Bizarre: anthologie, 1953-1968. Paris: Berg international, 2009.
Glass, Charles. Americans in
Lethuillier, Jean-Pierre, and Daniel Roche. Les costumes régionaux: entre mémoire et histoire. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009.
Seifert, Lewis Carl. Manning the Margins: Masculinity and Writing in Seventeenth-Century
Toubert, Pierre and Michel Zink, dirs. Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance au Collège de France.
Cammarosano, Paolo. Siena. Il Medioevo nelle città italiane, 1. Spoleto: Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2009. This looks to be the first in a series of guides with useful bibliographical and research notes.
Lupo, Salvatore. History of the Mafia.
Patti, Emanuela. La nuova gioventù?: l'eredità intellettuale di Pier Paolo Pasolini. Transference. Novi Ligure (AL) [i.e.
Saviano, Roberto. La bellezza e l'inferno: scritti 2004-2009. Strade blu. Milano: Mondadori, 2009.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tintin in the news
Our copy? On the shelf in Green -
Author: Hergé, 1907-1983.
Title: Tintin au Congo / Hergé.
Imprint: [Paris] : Casterman, 2006.
Series: (Les Aventures de Tintin ; 2)
1)PN6790 .B44 T573 2006 1 STACKS
But I have been locating some of the more contemporary bandes dessinees and fumetti in SAL3. Of course they are all in the catalog, and you can feel free to ask me for a list of what we have.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Google and the BnF
It seems that funding is a significant issue, "La seule numérisation des ouvrages de la IIIe République française coûterait par exemple, selon le directeur général adjoint de la BNF, entre 50 et 80 millions d'euros alors que la BNF ne disposerait que d'un budget annuel de numérisation d'environ 5 millions d'euros." (La Tribune)
Le Monde's article:
From former BnF President Jeanneney's tenure (and his book - Quand Google défie l'Europe : plaidoyer pour un sursaut. [Paris?] : Mille et une nuits, c2005. ZA4234 .G64 J43 2005 (English ed. Google and the myth of universal knowledge : a view from Europe, Univ. of Chicago Press, 2007. ZA4234 .G64 J4313 2007), to this announcement is a big step.
The current BnF President, Bruno Racine and his director of collections Denis Bruckmann, visited Stanford this spring, and they obviously have a different view of the situation.
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections