Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Arrivals in French and Italian Studies

A selection of books that have recently made their way to the library . . .

Italian Works 
Antognini, Roberta, and Rodica Diaconescu-Blumenfeld, eds. Poscritto a Giorgio Bassani: saggi in memoria del decimo anniversario della morte. Milano: LED Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2012. 

Delle Donne, Fulvio, and Giovanni Pesiri. Le scritture della storia: pagine offerte dalla Scuola nazionale di studi medievali a Massimo Miglio. Roma: Istituto storico per il Medio Evo, 2012.

Eco, Umberto, and Richard Dixon. Inventing the Enemy and Other Occasional Writings. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012.

Ferraro, Joanne Marie. Venice: History of the Floating City. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Greene, Shelleen. Equivocal Subjects: Between Italy and Africa-- Constructions of Racial and National Identity in the Italian Cinema. New York: Continuum, 2012.

Haaland, Torunn. Italian Neorealist Cinema. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011.

Pedullà, Gabriele. Machiavelli in tumulto: conquista, cittadinanza e conflitto nei "Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio". Roma: Bulzoni, 2011.

Savelli, Aurora and Laura Vigni.: protagonismo e impegno di donne senesi dal Medioevo a oggi. Siena: Nuova immagine, 2012. 

French Works 

Berman, Antoine, Isabelle Berman, and Valentina Sommella. Jacques Amyot, traducteur français: essai sur les origines de la traduction en France. [Paris]: Belin, 2012.

Brun, Catherine, and Olivier Penot-Lacassagne. Engagements et déchirements: les intellectuels et la guerre d'Algérie. [Paris]: Gallimard, 2012.

Césaire, Suzanne, and Daniel Maximin. The Great Camouflage: Writings of Dissent (1941-1945). Middletown, Conn: Wesleyan University Press, 2012.

Claeys, Thierry. Les institutions financières en France Au XVIIIe siècle. Tome 1 livre I et II. Tome 2 annexes. Paris: SPM, 2011. 2 vols. 100.00.

Dussert, Gilles. La machinerie Beaumarchais. Paris: Riveneuve éditions, 2012. 

Emery, Elizabeth. Photojournalism and the Origins of the French Writer House Museum (1881-1914): Privacy, Publicity, and Personality. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2012.

Garandeau, Éric. Le cinéma fantastique en France: 1897-1982. [Paris]: CNC, 2012.

Hamscher, Albert N. The Royal Financial Administration and the Prosecution of Crime in France, 1670-1789. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2012.

Jean d’Arras. Melusine ; Or, The Noble History of Lusignan. Translated and with an introduction by Donald Maddox and Sara Sturm-Maddox.University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2012.

Lackerstein, Debbie. National Regeneration in Vichy France: Ideas and Policies, 1930-1944. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2012.

Ma, Li. Les travailleurs chinois en France dans la Première Guerre mondiale. Paris: CNRS éds, 2012.

Mathieu-Castellani, Gisele. Narcisse, ou, Le sang des fleurs: les mythes de la metamorphose vegetale. Geneve: Droz, 2012.

Reiss, Tom. The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo. New York: Crown Trade, 2012.

Renault, Agnès. D'une île rebelle à une île fidèle: les Français de Santiago de Cuba (1791-1825). Mont-Saint-Aignan: Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2012.

Reynolds, Sian. Marriage and Revolution: Monsieur and Madame Roland. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. 326p. $125.00.

Rochefort, Charles de. Histoire naturelle et morale des îles Antilles de l'Amérique. Edited by Bernard Grunberg, Josiane Grunberg, and Benoît Roux. Paris: Harmattan, 2012. 2 vols.

Schafer, Valérie, and Benjamin G. Thierry. Le Minitel: l'enfance numérique de la France. Paris: Nuvis, 2012.

Vanthemsche, Guy. Belgium and the Congo, 1885-1980. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Vitali, Ilaria. Intrangers. I, post-migration et nouvelles frontières de la littérature beur. Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia, 2011.

Vitali, Ilaria. Intrangers. II, littérature beur, de l'écriture à la traduction. Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia, 2011.

Wahnich, Sophie. In Defence of the Terror: Liberty or Death in the French Revolution. Verso Books: Brooklyn, NY, 2012. 

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Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections