Acquisitions over the summer include works of interest to scholars whose expertise ranges from religious history to poison antidotes. From France, we have texts that present a defense of Catholicism during the Reformation and a defense of printers during the Revolution. Economic historians will find a discussion of how the office of the trésorier helped nobles to achieve greater wealth as well as the Abbé de Thorel's essay on how to abolish poverty. Finally from Italy, we have the 17th-century Florentine pharmacist Piero Francesco Geraldini's shilling of powdered mineral bezoar, a purported cure for, among other ailments, poisoning.
Achard, Marie. L'Orpheline
du Choléra, simple récit en vers.
Marseille, à la librairie de P. Chauffard, 1854. 16 pp.
Marseille, à la librairie de P. Chauffard, 1854. 16 pp.
(Les) du Philosophe. A M. L. Mse. D. C.*** P. M. L. A. F.
C. D. S. C. S.l.n.d. (Rouen?, entre
1734 et 1749). 23 pp. "Vous plaisez en tout et
par-tout" An extremely rare panegyric by the Marquise du Châtelet
Le Trésorier de France, ou Mémoire
contenant un précis historique de ce qui concerne cet office, une réfutation
des écrits intitulés: Traité sur la jurisdiction des Trésoriers de France 1777
... État véritable des Trésoriers de France 1779 ... et des réponses aux
critiques anciennes et modernes que ces Magistrats ont essuyées. A Genève,
1780. [4], xv, [1], 172 p. 20 cm.
From the catalogue:
“First edition of this comprehensive history and defence of the office
of trésorier de France, key agents of
the crown in the Ancien Regime. The
office of trésorier, part of the
financial administration, though not necessarily well-paid, and laborious and
onerous to boot, was much coveted by the nobility, because of the connections
and influence it afforded. . . . [The
author] gives a thorough overview of the office of trésorier, explains its function, its jurisdiction, and
organisation. He defends trésoriers against accusations of
financial mismanagement or profiteering, and comments on the newly instituted
controls by the financial administration.
Bardin, Pierre. Le Lycée, où en plusieurs
promenades il est traité des Connoissances, des Actions, et des Plaisirs d'un
Honneste homme.
A Paris, chez Jean Camusat, 1632-1634.
Cloots, Jean-Baptiste, dit Anacharsis. Discours prononcé à la barre de
l'Assemblée Nationale, au nom des Imprimeurs, le 9 septembre 1792, l'an
quatrième de la liberté, et le premier de l'égalité. (Paris), (à la fin:) de l'Imprimerie
Nationale, (1792). 11 pp.
Doré, Pierre. Larbre de vie, appuyant les beaux lys de France, ou sont mis en lumiere les haults tiltres d’honneur de la croix de nostre redempteur Iesus … Avec les odes et co[m]plaintes du mesme autheur. Paris, Vivant Gualtherot, 1542. First edition.
Dedicated to François I, this work by the
Dominican theologian Pierre Doré (c. 1500–1569) is an elaborate meditation on
the cross as tree. The author of
numerous devotional treatises (often bearing long and somewhat fanciful
titles), Doré sought to take on the Protestants on their own ground by writing
in the vernacular. His works are not polemical, however, concentrating rather
on the affirmation of the central beliefs of the Catholic faith than on the
attempted demolition of those of the Protestants.

Liquier, André. Discours qui a remporté le prix de l'Académie de Marseille, en 1777, sur cette question: quelle a été dans tous les temps l'influence du Commerce sur l'Esprit et les Mœurs des Peuples? A Amsterdam, et se trouve à Paris, chez Demonville, et à Marseille, chez Mossy, 1777.
Poncelin, Albert. Projet pour la Fondation d'Ateliers
Publics, ouverts à tous les Ouvriers sans ouvrage.
Paris, chez Raymond Bocquet, 1841.
RELIE AVEC (en tête): 2). VILLEMAIN (Abel François). Tableau de l'Etat Actuel de l'Instruction Primaire en France, rapport présenté au Roi le 1er novembre 1841. Paris, Jules Renouard et Compagnie, s.d. (1841); 3). LA GUERRE! LA GUERRE! Les Véritables Capitaines. (à la fin:) Paris, C.H. Lambert, s.d. (c.1840); 4). FELICE (Guillaume de). La Voix du Colporteur Biblique. A Paris, chez Delay, à Toulouse, chez Tartanac, 1844. 4 ouvrages en 1 volume in-12. 1). 35pp. 2). 2ff. 128pp. 3). 12pp. 4). 280pp
RELIE AVEC (en tête): 2). VILLEMAIN (Abel François). Tableau de l'Etat Actuel de l'Instruction Primaire en France, rapport présenté au Roi le 1er novembre 1841. Paris, Jules Renouard et Compagnie, s.d. (1841); 3). LA GUERRE! LA GUERRE! Les Véritables Capitaines. (à la fin:) Paris, C.H. Lambert, s.d. (c.1840); 4). FELICE (Guillaume de). La Voix du Colporteur Biblique. A Paris, chez Delay, à Toulouse, chez Tartanac, 1844. 4 ouvrages en 1 volume in-12. 1). 35pp. 2). 2ff. 128pp. 3). 12pp. 4). 280pp
Jean-Baptiste, abbé de. Essai sur les moyens d'abolir la mendicité dans tous les pays. Tome
premier. A Rouen : chez Le Boucher le jeune : (de l'Imprimerie de Veuve L.
Dumesnil) ; et se trouve à Paris : chez Durand neveu, 1780.
Work programs for mendicants able to work are
introduced, as is schooling for the children.
Overall Thorel attempts to alleviate the responsibility for the indigent
by creating a social insurance system, which pays out to the ‘deserving poor’,
i.e. those who work.
The subject of the work is powdered mineral bezoar or oxide of antimony,
described here as something of a wonder drug with many case histories of
Florentines who have used it with amazing success. The author was a pharmacist and of course
could supply the miraculous cure to those in need of it.
Paolo (Notaio in Modena). Inventarium bonorum M.ri Federici de Aldraris de Mantua
(Inventario di beni di Federico de Aldrari di Mantova) promissorum
Hieronimo de Ronchaleis ad computum iocalium D. Susanae. Sunt XXIII.
23 objects or groups of objects that were part of the dowry of a woman from Mantua who married a man from Modena. A fascinating document that reveals a moment in the daily life of the 16th century. “Iocalia”
in Medieval Latin was used for precious objects (jewels, furs, etc.).
Girolamo (1490-1576). Egloghe...
Divise in cinque libri. Le Amorose libro primo. Le Marchesane; libro secondo.
Le Illustri libro terzo. Le Lugubri libro quarto. Le Varie libro quinto.
Venezia, Gabriel Giolito et Fratelli, 1550.
Tullia d'Aragona |
First Edition of Muzio’s first printed work, a
collection of eclogues in five books, dedicated to Antonio d’Oria. Girolamo Muzio, a native of Padua, studied
law in his native city. He spent some time at the court of Emperor Maximilian
I as well as at Capo d’Istria, the birth place of his father, where he met
again his early friend Pier Paolo Vergerio, papal diplomat and later a
reformer. For a while he was at Ferrara and became an ardent admirer of
Tullia d’Aragona, the famous courtesan and poetess. Later he became a protégé
of Pope Pius V and of Cardinal Ferdinando de’ Medici. His numerous
writings against the Protestants brought him the surname of ‘hammer of heretics’.
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