Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Arrivals in French and Italian Studies. September 19, 2012

A selection of books that have recently made their way to the library . . .

Italian Materials

Bagnato, Bruna. L'Italia e la guerra d'Algeria (1954-1962). Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2012.

Cavallo, Pietro, Goglia, Luigi, Iaccio, Pasquale; prefazione di Brunetta, Gian Piero. Cinema a passo romano : trent'anni di fascismo sullo schermo (1934-1963). Napoli : Liguori, 2012.
Cox, Virginia, and Chiara Ferrari. Verso una storia di genere della letteratura italiana: percorsi critici e gender studies. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2012.

Giorgi, Chiara. L'Africa come carriera : funzioni e funzionari del colonialismo italiano. Roma: Carocci, 2012.

Hipkins, Danielle, ed. Intellectual communities and partnerships in Italy and Europe : studies in honour of Mark Davie. Oxford; New York: Peter Lang, 2012.

Kircher, Timothy. Living well in Renaissance Italy : the virtues of humanism and the irony of Leon Battista Alberti. Tempe: ACMRS (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies), 2012.

Meloni, M. G., Olivetta Schena, and Francesco C. Casula. Sardegna e Mediterraneo tra Medioevo ed e moderna: studi in onore di Francesco Cesare Casula. Genova: Brigati, 2009.

Morano, Rocco Mario. Narratori italiani del Novecento: dal postnaturalismo al postmodernismo e oltre : esplorazioni critiche : ventritré proposte di lettura. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2012.

Rothman, E. Natalie,  Brokering empire : trans-imperial subjects between Venice and Istanbul. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2012.

Schwartz, Guri; translated from the Italian by Mazhar, Giovanni Noor. After Mussolini : Jewish life and Jewish memories in post-Fascist Italy. London ; Portland, Or. : Vallentine Mitchell, 2012.

Srivastava, Neelam and Bhattacharya, Baidik, eds. The postcolonial Gramsci. New York : Routledge, 2012.

French Materials

Berlière, Jean-Marc et Liaigre, Franck. Ainsi finissent les salauds : séquestrations et exécutions clandestines dans Paris libéré. Paris:  Laffont, 2012.

Blatt, Ari J. Pictures into words : images in contemporary French fiction. Lincoln:  University of Nebraska Press, 2012.

Evans, Martin. Algeria : France's undeclared war. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2012

Goddard, Linda. Aesthetic rivalries : word and image in France, 1880-1926. Oxford [England] ; New York : Peter Lang, 2012.

Jarman, Rosemary Hawley. Agincourt : the story of a battle.  Stroud: Amberley, 2012.

Petiteau, Natalie. Écrire la mémoire : les mémorialistes de la Révolution et de l'Empire. Paris: Indes savantes, 2012.

Saminadayar-Perrin, Corinne, ed. L'invention littéraire de la Méditerranée dans la France du XIXe siècle. Paris : Geuthner ; [Montpellier] : MSH-M, c2012.

Seys, Élisabeth. Ces femmes qui écrivent : de Madame de Sévigné à Annie Ernaux. Paris: Ellipses, 2012

Silvester, Rosalind, and Guillaume Thouroude. Traits chinois / lignes francophones: écritures, images, cultures. [Montréal]: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2012.

Stanley, Sharon A. The French enlightenment and the emergence of modern cynicism. Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Tsien, Jennifer Shianling. The bad taste of others : judging literary value in eighteenth-century France. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012.

brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections