Monday, September 10, 2012

Recently acquired rare and antiquarian materials

This summer's additions to the library collections include significant 20th-century Italian works on poetry, including the visual poetry of the Italian neo-avant-garde, and literary theory, while from France we have a fascinating account book from Bailleul detailing rules for how a 17th-cenury conseiller should pursue his work, including how to reclaim travel expenses.  Finally, we have acquired an important document regarding the war in Algeria.

Italian Materials

Campari, Antonio. La poesia delle macchine e della civiltà industriale.  Genova: A.F. Formíggini, 1913.

Lucini, Gian Pietro. Le Dossiane. L'ora topica di Carlo Dossi: saggio di critica integrale. Varese: Nicola, 1911. First edition of this important work by the Italian literary critic and journalist who was among the first to lend his name, if not his unequivocal support, to the Italian futurists. 

Marcucci, Lucia. Poesia visiva. Firenze: [Tèchne] 1972. A seminal work by an important member of the mid 20th-century Italian avant-garde. Marcucci's work deals with poetry as a visual medium, emphasizing collages made up of words and phrases borrowed from a variety of sources.

French Materials

Robert, Fr. Dominique Joseph, editor and compiler. “Dossier Algérie,” a privately published portfolio collecting the proceedings talks, debates, and supporting documents of a meeting of French priests gathered to discuss “the theological and moral problems posed by the Algerian war.” (Hellemmes: n. p., 27 janvier 1961). 15 various letters, proceedings, debates, discussions, supporting material, etc., plus additional material.
“Coming on the heels of the student demonstrations of October 27, 1960 and in the climate of the stepped-up role of the FPA, etc., these papers include transcripts of discussion with student representatives from l’UNEF (the student union that with its actions against the war in Algeria might be argued to have launched the campus rebellions of the 1960s), a discussion on the right of resistance with Jean Czarnecki (a signatory of the “Manifeste des 121”), reports from university priests, much debate, etc. The one-page “Presentation,” signed in type by Fr. Robert ... explains the purpose of the dossier as a record of the talks and debates held on November 6, 1960 in response to the violence around and politcal action against the Algerian war... Perhaps incomplete but certainly ephemeral, and a scarce collection of material relating to early 1960s student activism and liberal Catholic social engagement and a measure of evolving thought on engagement prior to the “état d’urgence” declared later that year and the subsequent unrest of 1961-1962.” (from vendor's notes)

Madrys, François de, Incipit François de Madrys Conseiller du Roy en ses conseils . . . Imprint: Bailleul, France, 1688. Format: Book, 57 leaves (1 volume in manuscript box).  An account book for Bailleul, a town in France's then new territory of maritime Flanders. It is prefaced with a set of 35 rules for how records should be kept; they are ordered and signed by the king's own intendant, François de Madrys... There are also regulations regarding recording public works, criminal matters and the town's treasurer. The accounts themselves include tax receipts from farmers for horses and tobacco, fines for buildings that were larger than permitted, taxes on burials of people from outside the town, and estate taxes following a person's death. Many town citizens are named.” (from vendor's notes).  François de Madrys was the conseiller (agent) of Louis XIV for this area of maritime Flanders.

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brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections