Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Acquisitions- December 2011


Balibar, Etienne, and Etienne Balibar. Citoyen sujet et autres essais d'anthropologie philosophique. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2011.


Blanchet, Karl, and Boris Martin. Many Reasons to Intervene: French and British Approaches to Humanitarian Action. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. 

Pioffet, Marie-Christine, Daniel Maher, Marie Lise Laquerre, and François-Hédelin Aubignac. Dictionnaire analytique des toponymes imaginaires dans la littérature narrative de langue française (1605-1711). [Québec, QC]: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2011.

Richard, Jacques. Dictionnaire des acteurs du cinéma muet en France. Paris: Fallois, 2011.

Stanek, Łukasz. Henri Lefebvre on space: architecture, urban research, and the production of theory. Minneapolis [Minn.]: University of Minnesota Press, 2011.

Ticktin, Miriam Iris. Casualties of care: immigration and the politics of humanitarianism in France. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011. 



Campbell, Julie D., and Maria Galli Stampino. In dialogue with the other voice in sixteenth-century Italy: literary and social contexts for women's writing. Toronto: Iter Inc, 2011.

De Luca, Erri. I pesci non chiudono gli occhi. Milano: Feltrinelli, 2011. 

Leprai, Stella. Il governo del disordine ai confini di uno stato: Borgotaro e gli Sforza, 1467-1488. Bologna: CLUEB, 2011.  

Monday, November 28, 2011

Recently Acquired Rare and Antiquarian Materials- December 2011

More early works on women...
De conceptu...
from De conceptu...

Durey de Meinières,Octavie Guichard. Observations sur la noblesse et le tiers-état.Amsterdam: Chez Arkstée & Merkus, 1758.

Feydeau, Ernest. Du luxe des femmes: des moeurs,de la littérature et de la vertu. Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, 1866.

Mirabaud., Mme. Robert. A propos du suffrage desfemmes. Epinal: Imprimérie Nouvelle, 1912.

Rueff,Jakob, and Jost Amman. De conceptu et generatione hominis: de matrice eteivs partibvs, nec non de conditione infantis in vtero, et gravidarum cura etofficio: de partu & parturientium infantiumq́; cura omnifaria: dedifferentijs non naturalis partus & earundem curis: de mola alijsq́; falsisuteri tumoribus, simulq́ue de abortibus & monstris diversis, nec non deconceptus signis varijs: de sterilitatis causis diversis, & de praecipuis matricisaegritudinibus, omniumq́ue horum curis varijs, libri sex. Francofurti adMoenum: [Apud Petrum Fabricium, impensis Sigismundi Feyerabendii], 1587.

Tonini, Luigi. In Occasione della Compianta Mortee Grandioso Funerale dell’Eccellentissima, Rinaomatissima Laureata BologneseSignora Laura Maria Caterina Bassi-Verati. Bologna: Nella Stamperìadella Colomba, 1778.

Zecchini, Petronio. Di geniali della dialetticadelle donne ridotta al suo vero principio. In Napoli: presso i FratelliRaimondi, 1773.

...and a novel by Lucie Delrue-Mardrus:

Delrue-Mardrus, Lucie. L'hermine passant: roman inédit. Paris: J. Ferenczi et fils, 1938.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Anniversary of Révolte des Canuts

November 21st is the 170th anniversary of the Révolte des Canuts in Lyon, France.  The silk weavers of Lyon (called canuts) rose up against the tarif, or fixed minimum rate for finished cloth. Following salary decreases, the tarif was negotiated between manufacturers of silk, foremen, and silk weavers in October of 1831.  However, most of the manufacturers refused to apply it.  

On November 21, 1831, over a thousand silk workers and their supporters revolted against the manufacturers in all districts of Lyon.  The insurgents held Lyon for three days and captured the arsenal of the National Guard.  The battle turned violent, with over 200 civilians and 75 soldiers killed.  The workers’ victory was short-lived as Louis Philippe sent his son, the Duke of Orleans, and the Minister of War, Marshal Soult, along with an army of 30,000 with orders to dissolve the collective of workers, cancel the tarif, and disarm the population.  While the workers did not immediately achieve their desired outcome, this was an important event which created worker solidarity and led to stronger organization and support in fighting for future labor laws.

Primary Sources:

Chevalier, Michel. Evénemens de Lyon. [Paris]: Everat, imprimeur, 1831. (Extracted from the Le Globe, the main Saint-Simonian newspaper, Oct. 31- Dec. 27, 1831.  Includes letters by Francois and Peiffer, chefs de l'eglise saint-simonienne de Lyon.) Special Collections D385 .C44 1831. 

Cours de theorie de la fabrication d'étoffes de soie deLyon dirigé par Messieurs Martin et Faure suivi par Rivoire Adrien. (manuscript treatise on the history and weaving of silk, with hundreds of silk samples attached, circa 1860.) Special Collections - Manuscript Collection. M1834 & M1834 FLAT BOX 1.

L'écho de la fabrique. Lyon: De l'imprimerie de Charvin, 1831. (A labor newspaper dedicated to silk manufacturing and related industries.  It was published from 1831-1835.)  Special Collections – Rare Book Collection. DC801 .L96 E3 1831-1832. *Also available full-text online.
See also Frobert, L., & Beecher, J. (2010). L'écho de la fabrique : naissance de la presse ouvrière à Lyon, 1831-1834. Lyon: ENS.

Monday, November 14, 2011

New Acquisitions- November 2011


Amselle, Jean-Loup. L'ethnicisation de la France. Paris: Lignes, 2011.

Biet, Antoine, and Jack Le Roux. Voyage de la France équinoxiale en l'isle de Cayenne entrepris par les François en l'année 1652. [Colombelles]: Valhermeil, 2011.

Brouard, Sylvain, and Vincent Tiberj. As French As Everyone Else? A Survey of French Citizens of Maghrebin, African, and Turkish Origin. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2011.
Demelemestre, Gaëlle. Les deux souverainetés et leur destin: le tournant Bodin-Althusius. Paris: Cerf, 2011. 

Drévillon, Hervé, and Diego Venturino. Penser et vivre l'honneur à l'époque moderne: actes du colloque organisé à Metz, 20-22 novembre 2008. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011.

Groult, Martine. Savoir et matières: pensée scientifique et théorie de la connaissance de l'Encyclopédie à l'Encyclopédie méthodique. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2011. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Recently Acquired Rare and Antiquarian Books- November 2011

We recently acquired a selection of works on French Morocco :
As well as expanding our holdings of early works on women and the body (with more to come next month!)

Monday, October 24, 2011

15th New Italian Cinema Festival

The San Francisco Film Society and New Italian Cinema Events of Florence, Italy present New Italian Cinema, November 13–20 at Landmark’s Embarcadero Center Cinema. The eight-day series features a tribute to Daniele Luchetti, eight films from emerging filmmakers, numerous filmmaker guests and Nanni Moretti’s Habemus Papam.  For more information click here.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Acquistions, September/October 2011

A selection of new books to start off the Fall Quarter...

Allemand, Sylvain, Edith Heurgon, and Claire Paulhan. De Pontigny à Cerisy: des lieux pour penser avec ensemble. Paris: Hermann, 2011.

Begag, Azouz. C'est quand il y en a beaucoup: nouveaux périls identitaires français. Paris: Belin, 2011.

Cabanel, Patrick, and Jacques Fijalkow. Histoire régionale de la Shoah en France: déportation, sauvetage, survie. Paris: Éditions de Paris, 2011.

Chesters, Timothy. Ghost stories in late Renaissance France: walking by night. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Courduriès, Jérôme. Etre en couple - gay: conjugalité et homosexualité masculine en France. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2011.

Ferrer, Daniel. Logiques du brouillon: modèles pour une critique génétique. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2011.

Pfeffer, Wendy, and Robert A. Taylor. Bibliographie de la littérature occitane: trente années d'études (1977-2007). Turnhout: Brepols, 2011.

Rosanvallon, Pierre. La société des égaux. Paris: Seuil, 2011.

Roussel, Raymond, and Mark Ford. New impressions of Africa = Nouvelles impressions d'Afrique. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2011.

Trouillot, Lyonel. La belle amour humaine: roman. Arles: Actes Sud, 2011.

Watt, Adam A. The Cambridge Introduction to Marcel Proust. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.

Williams, Wes. Monsters and Their Meanings in Early Modern Culture: Mighty Magic. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Bisicchia, Andrea. Teatro e mafia, 1861-2011. Milano: San Raffaele, 2011.

Bosworth, R. J. B. Whispering City: Modern Rome and Its Histories. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011.

Brancati, Daniela. Occhi di maschio: le donne e la televisione in Italia : una storia dal 1954 a oggi. Roma: Donzelli, 2011.

Centro nuovo modello di sviluppo. I mercanti della notizia: guida al controllo dell'informazione in Italia. Bologna: EMI, 2011.

Dante Alighieri, Robert Hollander, and Simone Marchesi. La Commedia di Dante Alighieri. Firenze: L.S. Olschki, 2011.

Feo, Giovanni, and Francesca Roversi Monaco. Bologna e il secolo XI: storia, cultura, economia, istituzioni, diritto. Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2011.

Fumaroli, Marc, and Richard Howard. When the World Spoke French. New York: New York Review Books, 2011.

Gotor, Miguel. Il memoriale della Repubblica: gli scritti di Aldo Moro dalla prigionia e l'anatomia del potere italiano. Torino: Einaudi, 2011.

Leroux, Robert. Political Economy and Liberalism in France: The Contributions of Frédéric Bastiat. London: Routledge, 2011.

Lombardi, Chiara. Mondi nuovi a teatro: l'immagine del mondo sulle scene europee di Cinquecento e Seicento : spazi, economia, società. Milano: Mimesis, 2011.

Mangini, Enzo, Anna Ciammitti, and Pierdomenico Sirianni. Natale De Grazia: le navi dei veleni. Roma: Round Robin, 2011.

Marcozzi, Luca. Petrarca platonico: studi sull'immaginario filosofico del canzoniere. Roma: Aracne, 2011.

Motolese, Matteo, and Alessio Ricci. L'italiano letterario: fondazione e modelli. Città di Castello: Edimond, 2011.

Ravenda, Andrea F. Alì fuori dalla legge: migrazione, biopolitica e stato di eccezione in Italia. Verona: Ombre corte, 2011.

Rinaldi, Michele. Per l'edizione critica delle Expositiones et glose super Comediam Dantis di Guido da Pisa: recensio dei manoscritti. Napoli: Loffredo, 2010.

Santino, Umberto. Don Vito a Gomorra: mafia e antimafia tra papelli, pizzini e bestseller. [Rome, Italy]: Editori riuniti University Press, 2011.

Torre, Angelo. Luoghi: la produzione di località in età moderna e contemporanea. Roma: Donzelli, 2011.

Wilson, A. N. Dante in Love. London: Atlantic, 2011.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Recently Acquired Rare and Antiquarian Books - October 2011

AUGIER DU FOT (M.). Catéchisme sur l’art des accouchements pour les sages-femmes de la campagne, Fait par l’ordre du Gouvernement... et imprimé aux dépens du diocèse.  Montpellier, Jean Mariel aîné, 1776. in 12 (9,9 x 16 cm. xxiv-90 pp.-(2)ff. 

BURNEY (Miss).
Évelina, ou L’Entrée d’une jeune personne dans le monde. Traduit de l’anglais. Paris, Imbert, Avril 1798. 2 volumes in 12 (71 x 130 mm).

CHORIER (Nicolas).
Les Dialogues de Luisa Sigea sur les arcanes de l'Amour et de Vénus ou Satire Sotadique… Prétendue écrite en espagnol par Luisa Sigea et traduite en latin par Jean Meursius. Texte latin revu sur les premières éditions et traduction littérale, la seule complète, par le Traducteur des Dialogues de Pietro Aretino. Paris, Isidore Liseux, 1882. 4 vol.

Les véritables principes de la langue françoise: pour la sçavoir écrire et parler en peu de temps… Seconde edition. Reveuë, corrigée & augmentée de Remarques sur la Grammaire Françoise du P. Chifflet. En faveurs des Etrangers. A Paris: chez Florentin et Pierre de Laulne, devant la Sorbonne, 1690.

A guide to the “principles” of French aimed at foreigners. This handbook (12mo) was first published in 1684, with another second edition in 1685.

SAINTE-MARTHE (M. Claude de). Traités de piété, ou Discours sur les devoirs des prêtres. S.l., 1770. In 12
Bound with:
Suite des Opuscules et Lettres de… Qui n'ont point encore paru. S.l., 1770. 129 pp.-(1)f. EDITION ORIGINALE. Contient notamment une Lettre aux religieuses de Port-Royal sur la persécution.

ROLAND DE LA PLATIERE, Jean-Marie. De l'influence des lettres dans les provinces, comparée à leur influence dans les capitales ; discours lu à la séance publique de l'Académie de Lyon, le 6 décembre 1785. S.l: s.n, (Lyon, 1785)
A short text by the future revolutionary Roland (Jean-Marie Roland de la Platière (1734-1793)), in which he demonstrates that literary culture favors capital cities and argues why the provinces would benefit from greater access to cultural and other resources.

SPERONI DEGLI ALVAROTI (S). Dialogi di M. Speron Speroni. Nuovamente ristampati et con molta diligenza riveduti et corretti.  Venise, Domenico Giglio, 1558. in-8. 154ff.   Cartonnage moderne.  (ref.67242)

The Italian humanist and scholar Sperone Speroni degli Alvarotti (1500-1588) was a member of Padua’s Accademia degli Infammiati. He was known for his works on literature and drama. The work recently acquired by Stanford, the Dialogi, was his first publication, and was first published by the Aldine Press in Venice in 1542. Here we have a later Venetian edition, testifying to the popularity of his thoughts on subjects such as love and jealousy, the dignity of women, languages and rhetoric. This work fits in with the research of French professor Cecile Alduy, since Speroni’s dialogues were an important influence to French Renaissance poets such as Du Bellay, Ronsard, and Scève.
brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections