With L'Oréal's heiress Liliane Bettencourt all over the French news, I've selected some books on the firm, its family, and on woman's beauty, cosmetics, and fashion in France and Italy.
Starting with L'Oréal...
Bar-Zohar, Michael. Bitter Scent: The Case of L'Oréal, Nazis, and the Arab Boycott. New York, N.Y.: Dutton, 1996. DC423 .B39 1996
Dalle, François. L'aventure l'Oréal. Paris: Ed. O. Jacob, 2001. HD9970.5 .T654 L67 2001
Abescat, Bruno. La saga des Bettencourt: L'Oréal, une fortune française. Paris: Plon, 2002. HD9970.5 .C672 B48 2002
Marseille, Jacques. L'Oréal: 1909-2009. Paris: Perrin, 2009. HD9970.5 .H354 M37 2009 F
A selection of academic books and primary sources on beauty and fashion in France -
Azoulay, Elisabeth, Angela Demian, and Dalibor Frioux. 100,000 Years of Beauty. Paris: Gallimard, Éditions Babylone, 2009. ART HQ1219 .A16 2009
Zdatny, Steven. Fashion, Work, and Politics In Modern France. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. GT2295 .F8 Z33 2006
Chenille, Vincent. La Mode Dans La Coiffure Des Français : La Norme Et Le Mouvement : 1837-1987. Paris, France: L'Harmattan, 1996. GT2295 .F8 C47 1996
Stewart, Mary Lynn. For Health and Beauty : Physical Culture for Frenchwomen, 1880s-1930s. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Fabre, Sylvaine. L'art De Rester Jeune Et Belle : Chroniques Et Conseils Suivis De Recettes De Beauté. Paris: Etienne Chiron, 1947. RA778 .F33 1947
And in Italy:
Gundle, Stephen. Bellissima : Feminine Beauty and the Idea of Italy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007. HQ1220 .I8 G86 2007
Fornaciai, Valentina. "Toilette, " Perfumes and Make-up At the Medici Court : Pharmaceutical Recipe Books, Florentine Collections and the Medici Milieu Uncovered. Livorno: Sillabe, 2007. GT499 .F67 2007
Zanardo, Lorella. Il Corpo Delle Donne. 1. ed. in "Serie bianca." Milano: Feltrinelli, 2010. (see DVD ZDVD 21730 and at www.ilcorpodelledonne.net)
And in Special Collections, see courtesy books such as the following :
Liébault, Jean, and Giovanni Marinello. Trois Liures De L'embellissement Et Ornement Du Corps Humain. A Paris: Chez Iacques Du Puys, libraire iuré, 1582. RA776.98 .L54 1582
Marinello, Giovanni, and Francesco de Franceschi. Gli Ornamenti Delle Donne : Tratti Dalle Scritture D'una Reina Greca. In Venetia: Appresso Francesco de' Franceschi senese, 1562. RA778 .M37 1574
Vieri, Francesco de, and Giorgio Marescotti. Lezzione Di M. Francesco De' Vieri Fiorentino, Detto Il Verino Secondo : Per Recitarla Nell'accademia Fiorentina, Nel Consolato Di M. Federigo Strozzi L'anno 1580 : Dove Si Ragiona Delle Idee, Et Delle Bellezze. In Fiorenza: Appresso Giorgio Marescotti, 1581. PQ4482 .V54 1581
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