Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Open-access online French journals

I hope that you are all familiar with various French full-text journal databases - at Stanford we have a subscription to CAIRN, but there are also the open access sites Persee.fr and Revues.org.

Persee is the product of the French Ministry of Education, and publishes the backfiles of selected scholarly journals. Revues.org, is an online portal supported by the CNRS, EHESS, and several French universities. It offers information about, indexing, and the full-text of recent issues of many French journals. Persee offers the backfiles, Revues.org and CAIRN offer the full text of more recent publications.

Currently, Persee is expanding its "Collection mutualization" which means that journals available on both Persee and Cairn, and both Persee and Revues.org, can be searched from either database's search engine. So, if you are searching Revues.org and find an article whose full text is in Persee (because it is in an older issue of the journal), there will be a link to the article. And vice-versa.

It all sounds more complicated than it actually is for the end user - the idea to take away is that if you want to search French scholarly journals, use these portals! They contain many of the most important journals published in France, and all offer keyword searching.

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brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections