The ARTSTOR image database has recently incorporated the photo library of the Magnum Agency. And it already had a treasury of great images of interest to scholars. Copyright and use restrictions mean that you can post these on course websites limited to the Stanford audience, but not on public sites, which is why I haven't directly displayed any photos below, just some tantalizing descriptions!
La prise de pouvoir par Louis XIV, Roberto Rossellini, dir. 1966. Criterion Collection DVD
Castonguay-Bélanger, Jöel. Les écarts de l'imagination : pratiques et représentations de la science dans le roman au tournant des Lumières. [Montréal] : Presses de l'Université de Montréal, c2008.
Charbonneau, Frédéric. L'école de la gourmandise: de Louis XIV à la révolution. Paris: Desjonquères, 2008.
Coutant, Arnaud. Tocqueville et la Constitution démocratique: souveraineté du peuple et libertés: essai. Paris: Mare et Martin, 2008.
Fogg, Shannon Lee. The Politics of Everyday Life in VichyFrance: Foreigners, Undesirables, and Strangers. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2008.
Granier, Caroline. Les briseurs de formules: les écrivains anarchistes en France à la fin du XIXe siècle. Coeuvres-et-Valsery: Ressouvenances, 2008.
Jaccottet, Philippe, Giuseppe Ungaretti, and José-Flore Tappy. Jaccottet traducteur d'Ungaretti: correspondance, 1946-1970. [Paris]: Gallimard, 2008.
Martini, Lucienne, and Jean-François Durand. Ecrivains français d'Algérie et société coloniale, 1900-1950; suivi de Robert Randau. Les Cahiers du SIELEC. Paris: Kailash, 2008.
Michel, Alain, and Arlette Michel. La littérature française et la connaissance de Dieu (1800-2000) 3 v. Paris: Cerf, 2008.
Mongrédien, Jean. Le Théâtre-Italien de Paris, 1801-1831: chronologie et documents. Collection Perpetuum mobile. Lyon: Symétrie, 2008. (8 vols. Shelved in the Music Library)
Nesbitt, Nick. Universal emancipation : the Haitian Revolution and the radical Enlightenment. Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, 2008.
Pouillon, François, ed. Dictionnaire des orientalistes de langue française. Paris: Karthala, 2008.
Voisenon, Claude-Henri de Fusée de, and P. Krakowski. Un académicien dans son temps: l'abbé de Voisenon au 18e siècle : correspondances et chroniques de l'époque. [Le Mée-sur-Seine]: Amatteis, 2007.
Wilkin, Rebecca May. Women, Imagination and the Search for Truth in Early Modern France. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2008.
Wintermeyer, Rolf, and C. Bouillot. Moi public et moi privé: dans les mémoires et les écrits autobiographiques du XVIIe siècle à nos jours. Mont-Saint-Aignan: Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2008.
Bernardi, Walter. Il paggio e l'anatomista : scienza, sangue e sesso alla corte del granduca di Toscana. Firenze : Le lettere, c2008.
Boillet, Elise. Antonio Brucioli: humanisme et évangélisme entre Réforme et Contre-Réforme : actes du colloque de Tours, 20-21 mai 2005. Paris: Champion, 2008.
Colombo, Emanuele C. Giochi di luoghi: il territorio lombardo nel Seicento. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2008.
Convegno internazionale di studio su "L'Italia e l'Etiopia 1935-1941, a settant'anni dall'impero fascista" (2006 : Milan, Italy) L'impero fascista : Italia ed Etiopia, 1935-1941. Bologna : Il mulino, c2008.
D'Alessandro, Francesca. Petrarca e i moderni : da Machiavelli a Carducci : con un'appendice novecentesca. Pisa : ETS, c2007.
Gibellini, Cecilia. L'immagine di Lepanto : la celebrazione della vittoria nella letteratura e nell'arte veneziana. Venezia : Marsilio, 2008.
Matyszak, Philip. Ancient Rome on five denarii a day. London : Thames & Hudson, 2007.
San Gimignano : fonti e documenti per la storia del comune. Firenze : L. S. Olschki, 2008-
I hope that you are all familiar with various French full-text journal databases - at Stanford we have a subscription to CAIRN, but there are also the open access sites and
Persee is the product of the French Ministry of Education, and publishes the backfiles of selected scholarly journals., is an online portal supported by the CNRS, EHESS, and several French universities. It offers information about, indexing, and the full-text of recent issues of many French journals. Persee offers the backfiles, and CAIRN offer the full text of more recent publications.
Currently, Persee is expanding its "Collection mutualization" which means that journals available on both Persee and Cairn, and both Persee and, can be searched from either database's search engine. So, if you are searching and find an article whose full text is in Persee (because it is in an older issue of the journal), there will be a link to the article. And vice-versa.
It all sounds more complicated than it actually is for the end user - the idea to take away is that if you want to search French scholarly journals, use these portals! They contain many of the most important journals published in France, and all offer keyword searching.
This weekend, San Francisco hosts the 42nd California International Antiquarian Book Fair at the Concourse Exhibition Center at 635 8th St. at Brannan. This major book fair attracts dealers from around the US and Europe with their wares - it is the largest book fair in the country, and alternates years between SF and LA. All sorts of books and related objects will be on display (and for sale) - from rare European works to books about California and the West, juvenile literature, and signed first editions.
I'll be there, as will Stanford's Rare Books Librarian, John Mustain. It is usually a very interesting day, and vendors are happy to chat and show you their wares.
If you are interested in attending, I have a few extra entry tickets that I'd be happy to offer up. Just let me know if you are interested by Thursday.
The recent issues of the New York Review of Books and College & Research Libraries each contain articles about Google and its impact on the library and research world.
Stanford's University Librarian, Michael Keller, has penned a guest editorial in C&RL entitled "Mountain View: the Agreement among Google, Publishers, and Authors." In this piece, he gives an overview of last autumn's settlement between Google and the publishers, and discusses its implications for libraries and researchers.
Harvard's Director of the University Library, historian Robert Darnton, has a piece in the NYRB entitled "Google and the Future of Books" This article puts the Google Book Search into the historical context of the Republic of Letters, and offers some of the advantages and weaknesses of the copyright settlement and of Google Book Search for users, authors, and libraries.
Both articles are well worth a look - and both conclude that libraries remain viable and important institutions that provide much more than digital access to information.