Friday, September 5, 2008

Electronic Enlightenment

We currently have access to Oxford University Press' new database, the Electronic Enlightenment. EE is a full-text searchable database of correspondence by major 18th century thinkers. The letters (53,000 of them!) are taken from critical editions, and while many of the subjects are British, the database includes the complete correspondence of Voltaire and Rousseau, Pierre Bayle, and Descartes, as well as letters exchanged by Hume, Defoe, Adam Smith, Locke, and Hobbes with their contacts on the Continent. All letters are in their original language.

To access this resource, visit the URL:

Click on "Subscribers enter here" at the top right side of the webpage.

The search engine offers sophisticated searching within the texts , as well as browsing by name and by decade. Biographical information about authors or people mentioned is included, as are scholarly notes. Especially if you work on the 18th century, please check out the Electronic Enlightenment.

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brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections