Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cambridge Histories Online - update!

Based on enthusiastic feedback, the Libraries has decided to subscribe to Cambridge Histories Online. They've turned on our subscription, but I'm not sure if off-campus proxy access is available yet. If it isn't, check back in a few days.

Available soon from the Databases page and Socrates, but available now from:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hot off the presses! La rentrée académique

Around the middle of each month, I'll be posting a short selected list of new books that have arrived in the library. Most are so new that they aren't quite on the shelves yet, but you can request them from the catalog record. I have included call numbers where possible.

French topics:

Fogarty, Richard Standish. Race and War in France: Colonial Subjects in the French Army, 1914-1918. War, society, culture. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
D548.9 .T76 F64 2008

Herman, Jan, Kris Peeters, and Paul Pelckmans. Mme Riccoboni, romancière, epistolière, traductrice: actes du colloque international Leuven-Anvers, 18-20 mai 2006. Louvain: Éditions Peeters, 2007. PQ2027 .R3 Z76 2006

Hugo, Victor, and James Madden. Les Misérables. Translated by Julie Rose, introduction by Adam Gopnick. New York: Modern Library, 2008. PQ2286 .A36 2008

Malela, Buata B. Les écrivains afro-antillais à Paris (1920-1960): stratégies et postures identitaires. Paris: Karthala, 2008.

Sobanet, Andrew. Jail Sentences: Representing Prison in Twentieth-Century French Fiction. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2008. PQ673 .S6 2008

Tocqueville, Alexis de. The ancien régime and the French Revolution. New translation by Gerald Bevan. Introduction by Hugh Brogan. London: Penguin, 2008. DC138 .T6313 2008


Barnes, John C., and Jennifer Petrie. Dante and His Literary Precursors: Twelve Essays. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2007. PQ4393 .D36 2007

Bertazzoli, Raffaella. La natura nello sguardo: miti, stagioni, paesaggi. Mneme, 12. Verona: Fiorini, 2007. PR555 .N3 B47 2007

Convegno annuale della MOD, Anna Dolfi, Nicola Turi, and Rodolfo Sacchettini. Memorie, autobiografie e diari nella letteratura italiana dell'Ottocento e del Novecento. La modernità letteraria, 3. Pisa: ETS, 2008. PQ4086 .C595 2007

Cox, Virginia. Women's Writing in Italy, 1400-1650. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. PQ4063 .C69 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cambridge Histories Online - trial

Stanford University Libraries is currently trying out Cambridge Histories Online.
Stanford's access is via-IP address, so you must be using a computer on the campus network for it to work.
Please check it out and send comments back to me.

Of interest to this group are probably the following multi-volume titles from this series:

  • The Cambridge Modern History
  • The Cambridge Economic History of Europe
  • The New Cambridge Medieval History
  • The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism
  • The Cambridge History of Political Thought
  • The Cambridge History of Italian Literature
  • The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Philosophy;... of Later Greek and early Medieval Philosophy; ... of Renaissance Philosophy, ... of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy
and many others - from the trial site you can browse by subject

Here's the info from the vendor:

"The Cambridge Histories have become an established and essential component
of the academic research library, and now, for the first time, over 250 of
these well-known, used and trusted volumes published since the 1960's are
available online, adding immense value to the texts and enhancing any
aspect of historical research. Cambridge Histories Online (CHO) will be an
indispensable research tool for undergraduates and academics alike. It
offers impressive functionality, enabling quick and easy access to content
and the tools to make the content usable in a time effective way, including
extensive bibliographic reference linking, personal archives, citation
export, remote access and user control display features. CHO covers 14
subject areas, including General History, Regional History, Literary
Studies, Philosophy, and Religious Studies. And an average of 5 new titles
will be added each year!

Your trial is IP authenticated so please, if you haven't done so already,
log on to "

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Edith Gombos Sorel visits Green Library

Mark your calendars! October 1st, 2008 from 4pm-6pm in the Bender Room

The French journalist Edith Sorel will visit the Bender Room in Stanford's Green Library on October 1, 2008. She will talk about her life and work with members of the Stanford community and the public.

Sorel is an independent journalist who has interviewed many of the major cultural figures of the twentieth century, including Simone de Beauvoir, Ingmar Bergman, Graham Greene, Fidel Castro, Marc Chagall. She lived in Cuba in the early 1960s and was a journalist for the Cuban newspaper Revolucìon, for which she covered the Eichmann trial. While in Cuba, she also served as a translator and interpreter for Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.

Some of Sorel's papers are in the Stanford Libraries Special Collections – including correspondence from Simone de Beauvoir, Henry Miller, and Graham Greene, as well as taped interviews with Sartre, Ingmar Bergman, Lawrence Durrell, Graham Greene, James Baldwin, Amos Oz, Woody Allen, Henry Miller, and Isaac Bashevis Singer.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Electronic Enlightenment

We currently have access to Oxford University Press' new database, the Electronic Enlightenment. EE is a full-text searchable database of correspondence by major 18th century thinkers. The letters (53,000 of them!) are taken from critical editions, and while many of the subjects are British, the database includes the complete correspondence of Voltaire and Rousseau, Pierre Bayle, and Descartes, as well as letters exchanged by Hume, Defoe, Adam Smith, Locke, and Hobbes with their contacts on the Continent. All letters are in their original language.

To access this resource, visit the URL:

Click on "Subscribers enter here" at the top right side of the webpage.

The search engine offers sophisticated searching within the texts , as well as browsing by name and by decade. Biographical information about authors or people mentioned is included, as are scholarly notes. Especially if you work on the 18th century, please check out the Electronic Enlightenment.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What's new?

About a year ago we stopped publishing complete lists of recently acquired books on the French and Italian website. Now, books in the P call number range (literature) show up on the DLCL Library RSS feed. French and Italian (and Spanish and Portuguese) literatures are in the PQ range.

At the beginning of every month, I'll be posting a selection of newly acquired antiquarian and rare titles here on Au courant.

Here are some books that have arrived over the summer:

Annales de la propagation de la foi: recueil périodique des lettres des évêques et des missionaires des missions des deux mondes, et de tous les documents relatifs aux missions et à l'oeuvre de la propagation de la foi: collection faisant suite aux Lettres édifiantes. A Lyon: chez l'editeur des annales, 1822-1931.
Library owns 1822-1851.

Dépôt de la guerre (France). Aperçu historique, statistique et topographique sur l'état d'Alger à l'usage de l'armée expéditionnaire d'Afrique.. 2 édition. Paris: C. Piquet, 1830. 244 p. and atlas of 11 pl. , 3 fold. maps, 3 fold. plans.

Lebourgeois, H. Zola; 32 caricatures de Lebourgeois... Paris: E Bernard, 1898.
Anti-dreyfusard caricatures of Zola's works.

Mailly, chevalier de. Histoire de la république de Genes... suivant la copie de Paris. En Hollande, aux depends de la Compagnie, 1697.

Manuscript. Madame Dubois. Account journals of two lady vintners from Angers, Madame and Mademoiselle Dubois. 1747-1763. 88 leaves.

Morelly, M. Le prince, les délices des coeurs, ou Traité des qualités d'un grand roi, & sistéme général d'un sage gouvernement. Par Mr. M#... Amsterdam, Aux dépends de la Compagnie, 1751.

Varj componimenti per le nozze degli eccellentissimi signori D. Andrea Coppola, duca di Canzano, principe di Montefalcone, marchese di Robledo, &c., e D. Laura Caracciolo, de' marchesi dell'Amoroso. Firenze, 1725.
According to the dealer's catalog, this work of poems is notable for including 3 sonnets by Giambattista Vico.
We have also acquired a collection of Italian fumetti, for teaching and research purposes, including titles in the following series:
  • Corto Maltese
  • Valentina
  • Tex Willer
  • Dylan Dog
  • Nathan Never
  • Gregory Hunter
  • Dampyr
  • Zagor
  • Diabolik
brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections