As 2012 comes to a close, we welcome 2013 with important acquisitions ranging from a French translation of Colonna's
Hypnerotomachia and a rare first edition of Castiglione's commentary on Petrarch's
Canzoniere to a collection of works by Arthur Rimbaud's sister, Isabelle. For scholars interested in the literary productions of the French Reformation, we have acquired a volume containing several important works by the French poet Clément Marot, including his
Épigrammes and his translation of Ovid's
French Works
Carmen d'Assilva: sa carrière littéraire et artistique racontée par les
grands journaux quotidiens de Paris. Paris: Librairie de la Province, 1903.
Colonna, Francesco, and Béroalde de Verville. Le tableav des
riches inventions couuertes du voile des feintes amoureuses, qui sont
representees dans le Songe de Poliphile, desvoilees des ombres du Song &
subtilement exposees par Beroalde. A. Paris: Chez Matthieu Guillemont,
"First Edition of Béroalde's French version, based on the anonymous
version of the Kerver edition of 1546.
It is the present edition, with its new
alchemical symbols on the title-page, and their explanation in its new preface,
that formally introduced the
Hypnerotomachia into the literature of
alchemy . . .
The 181 handsome
illustrations, most first printed in the Kerver edition, are based on the
woodcuts designed for the first edition of the original Italian text, printed
by Aldus in Venice, in 1499."
Marot, Clément.
Les Épigrammes de Clément Marot, divisez en deux
livres... - Le Premier livre de la Métamorphose d'Ovide, translaté de latin en
françoys par Clément Narot ["sic"]. [L'Adieu envoyé aux dames de
court au moys d'octobre 1537. Le Dieu gard de Marot à la court.] - Les Cantiques
de la paix, par Clément Marot, ensemble le Cantique de la Royne sur la maladie
et convalescence du Roy, par ledict Marot. [Dialogue nouveau fort joyeulx.
Églogue de Marot au Roy soulz les noms de Pan et Robin. Le Valet de Marot
contre Sagon. Épistre à
Sagonet, à la
Hueterie, par Clément Marot. Marot à
l'Empereur. Les Estraines de Marot.]. Paris: A. Lotrian, 1542.
"Clément Marot (1496-1544), the celebrated French Protestant poet,
native of Cahors, moved to Paris when his father was appointed secretary to
Anne de Bretagne.
In 1526 he succeeded
his father as valet de chambre to Francois I."
Following exile for his Protestant sympathies,
"Marot returned to France.
During a
further period at the French court Marot enjoyed considerable literary success,
Oeuvres being published in 1538. . . .
The present volume, . . ., contains Marot's
wittily satirical
Épigrammes, among which are the first, and most
notorious examples, of two popular poetic genres created by Marot: the
and the
Rimbaud, Isabelle.
Reliques: Rimbaud mourant ; Mon frère Arthur;
Le dernier voyage de Rimbaud ; Rimbaud catholique ; Dans les remous de la
bataille (passages censurés). Paris: Mercure de France, 1921.
"One of 525 numbered copies on Vergé pur fil.
A moving work by the poet's sister, who had
Mon frère Arthur one year earlier.
Devoutly Catholic, Isabelle married M. Pierre
Dufour (Paterne Berrichon), a Rimbaud scholar and author of the earliest
biographical study,
La Vie de Jean-Arthur Rimbaud, Paris, 1897."
Salm, Constance de.
aux souverains absolus, par Mme la princesse Constance de Salm. Paris:
Sédillot, 1831.

"A poet, playwright, and novelist, [Salm] was first married to a
surgeon named Pipelet de Leury and later to a German botanist, the Prince of
Her poetry began appearing on
the eve of the French Revolution and regularly thereafter until 1835.
She was well educated and held feminist ideas
during the post-revolutionary years--a period during which women's rights were
severely threatened.
In this politically
charged epistle, Salm exhorts the ruling monarchs to fulfill the promises made
to the people."
Villedieu, d' Alègre, and Subligny.
Les avantures ou mémoires de la
vie de Henriette Sylvie de Molière. La Haye: Henri du Sauzet, 1695.
Italian Works
Castiglione, Giovanni Battista da, and Francesco Petrarca.
Luoghi Difficili Del Petrarcha Nuouamente Dichiarati. Ff. 66. Per G.A. di
Nicolini & Fratelli: Vinegia, 1532.
"First (and apparently only) edition of this philosophical and
theological commentary on the more obscure and esoteric passages of Petrarch's
Canzoniere, including many parallels from the works of Plato. . . .
Castiglione's commentary departs from the
usual stylistic and linguistic tradition in favor of a search for the
philosophical (primarily Platonic) and theological content of Petrarch's
Picinelli, Filippo, and Paolo Baglioni.
Mondo simbolico formato
d'imprese scelte, ed illustrate consentenze, ed eruditioni, sacre, e profane,
che somministrano à gli oratori, predicatori, accademici, poeti. Venetia:
presso Paolo Baglioni, 1678.