Thursday, December 20, 2012

New Arrivals in French and Italian Studies

A selection of books that have recently made their way to the library . . .

French Works

Badiou, Alain. L'aventure De La Philosophie Française: Depuis Les Années 1960. Paris: Fabrique, 2012.

Barthélemy, Dominique, Nouvelle Histoire Des Capétiens: 987-1214. Paris: Seuil, 2012.

Calasso, Roberto., and Alastair McEwen. La Folie Baudelaire. 1st American ed. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012.

Chirac, Jacques, Jean-Luc Barré, Jacques Chirac, and Jacques Chirac. My Life In Politics. Translated by Catherine Spencer. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Douthwaite, Julia V. The Frankenstein of 1790 and Other Lost Chapters from Revolutionary France. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2012.

Foucault, Michel, François Ewald, Alessandro Fontana, and Michel Senellart. Du Gouvernement Des Vivants: Cours Au Collège De France (1979-1980). [Paris]: EHESS, 2012.

Gaudé, Laurent. Caillasses. 2012.

Gendrel, Bernard. Le roman de moeurs: aux origines du roman réaliste. Paris: Hermann, 2012.

Hägglund, Martin. Dying for Time: Proust, Woolf, Nabokov. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2012.

Mérigeau, Pascal. Jean Renoir. [Paris]: Flammarion, 2012.

O'Neil, Mary Anne. From Babel to Pentecost: The Poetry of Pierre Emmanuel. Montréal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2012.

Robbe-Grillet, Alain., Catherine Robbe-Grillet, and Emmanuelle Lambert. Correspondance: 1951-1990. [Paris]: Fayard, 2012.

Spary, E. C. Eating the Enlightenment: Food and the Sciences In Paris. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2012

Waters, Sarah. Between Republic and Market: Globalization and Identity in Contemporary France. New York: Continuum, 2012.

Wetzel, David. A Duel of Nations: Germany, France, and the Diplomacy of the War of 1870-1871. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2012.

Italian Works

Camboni, Maria Clotilde. Contesti: intertestualità e interdiscorsività nella letteratura italiana del Medioevo. Pisa: ETS, 2011.

Corner, Paul. The Fascist Party and Popular Opinion in Mussolini's Italy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Ferrante, Elena., and Ann Goldstein. My Brilliant Friend. New York: Europa Editions, 2012.

Finocchi, Daniela. Lingua madre duemiladodici: racconti di donne straniere in Italia. Torino: Seb. 27, 2012.

Sanguineti, Edoardo, and Giuliano Galletta. La ballata del quotidiano.
Genova: Il melangolo, 2012.

Vout, Caroline. The Hills of Rome: Signature of an Eternal City. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Early Modern Italy bibliography

Scholars of Italy from 1500-1800 will be pleased to know that Gregory Hanlon has published online his most recent updated edition of his bibliography, Early Modern Italy 1500-1800, A Comprehensive Bibliography. With over 15,000 entries in both English and French, as well as a thoughtful bibliographical essay, this is a very valuable resource for researchers in Italian studies, and for those interested in Italy's interactions with other countries.

From the author's announcement:

"Dear friends and colleagues,

I have decided to place the 10th edition of my, "Early Modern Italy 1550-1800: a comprehensive bibliography of titles in English and French" on a commercial-free link to my departmental webpage. This latest version, which totals just over 15,000 titles, embraces every aspect of Italian history, including art and architecture, literature, music and science. It also includes titles relating Italy to other countries. The bibliography begins with an overview of historiographical trends past and present over the last century and more. I hope you will alert your students and your colleagues, and indeed anyone who might find it useful, to the existence of this work.

This is an ongoing project, never finished. I would be very grateful if you would notify me of any errors or omissions so that I might rectify those as soon as possible.

For the link, access is available through the following sites: or by visiting my webpage

Gregory Hanlon"
brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections