Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New JSTOR platform

JSTOR, the full-text journal archive, has revamped its platform, offering more ways to improve your searches, browse, and save and export citations. You can also view abstracts and find links to articles that are not in JSTOR, but that you might be able to access through Stanford's subscriptions.

There is a short video tutorial on some of the new features here: 

From this page you can also learn about JSTOR's new programs to provide current content of journals, and see the most up-to-date lists of journals included.

Update - there has been some criticism of some of the new features, particularly JSTOR's addition of citations whose availability from other subscription databases is ambiguous.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Help redesign the Stanford Libraries website!

Stanford Libraries needs your help!  
We need students and faculty to spend a half hour with us, trying out some new library website designs.
Each participant gets a $10 gift card to the Stanford Bookstore or to Coupa Ca – plus a chance to make our websites better.
We will be holding individual testing sessions in Green library over the next several weeks, staring on Tuesday August 24 and Thursday August 26.

Let me know if you want to participate, and I'll send you the contact information.

Monday, August 16, 2010

New Acquisitions, arrivals from July 2010

A selected list of recently arrived books, for the last weeks of summer...


Alfani, Guido. Il grand tour dei cavalieri dell'Apocalisse: l'Italia del lungo Cinquecento, 1494-1629. Venezia: Marsilio, 2010.

Baioni, Massimo, and Massimo Tiezzi. Rituali in provincia: commemorazioni e feste civili a Ravenna (1861-1975). Ravenna: Longo, 2010.

Battini, M., and Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci. Antisemitismi a confronto: Francia e Italia : ideologie, retoriche, politiche. Pisa: PLUS-Pisa University Press, 2010.

Cucinotta, Cosimo. Mario Luzi: le stagioni del giusto : 1935- 1960. Firenze: Le lettere, 2010.

De Nicola, Francesco and Pier Antonio Zannoni. La narrativa femminile in Italia. Venezia: Marsilio, 2010.

Derobertis, Roberto. Fuori centro: percorsi postcoloniali nella letteratura italiana. Roma: Aracne, 2010.

Goldoni, Carlo. L'avare fastueux = L'avaro fastoso. A cura di Paola Luciani. Edizione nazionale. Venezia: Marsilio, 2010.

Lana, Jacopo della, Dante Alighieri, Mirko Volpi, and Arianna Terzi. Commento alla "Commedia". Roma: Salerno, 2009.

Lazzarini, Isabella. Amicizia e potere: reti politiche e sociali nell'Italia medievale. [Milan, Italy]: B. Mondadori, 2010.

Nigro, Raffaele. Memorie e disincanti: uomini e scritture del Mezzogiorno. Trapani: Di Girolamo, 2010.

Paravicini Bagliani, Agostino. Il papato nel secolo XIII: cent'anni di bibliografia (1875-2009). Firenze: SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2010.

Luciani, Domenico, and Monique Mosser. Petrarca e i suoi luoghi: spazi reali e paesaggi poetici. Treviso: Fondazione Benetton studi ricerche, 2009.

Gentili, Sonia, and Simona Foà. Cultura della razza e cultura letteraria nell'Italia del Novecento. Roma: Carocci, 2010.

Cavarocchi, Francesca. Avanguardie dello spirito: il fascismo e la propaganda culturale all'estero. Roma: Carocci, 2010.

Zanardo, Lorella. Il corpo delle donne. Milano: Feltrinelli, 2010. (we also have the DVD of this piece, written up in the NYT.)

De Napoli, Francesco, and Rodolfo Tommasi. Letteratura italiana del XXI secolo: primo dizionario orientativo degli scrittori. Arezzo: Helicon, 2010.

Pesola, Antonella, and Massimo Duranti. Griffa!: una rivista futurista del 1920. Roma: Gangemi, 2010. – a facsimile of the original journal.

Quondam, Amedeo. Forma del vivere: l'etica del gentiluomo e i moralisti italiani. Bologna: Il mulino, 2010.


Archives nationales. Exotiques expositions: lex expositions universelles et les cultures extra-européennes, France, 1855-1937. [Exposition présentée aux] archives nationales, [à Paris, du 31 mars au 28 juin 2010]. Paris: Somogy, 2010.

Broche, François, dir. Dictionnaire de la France libre. Paris: R. Laffont, 2010.
Nünlist, Christian, Anna Locher, and Garret Martin.

Globalizing De Gaulle: International Perspectives on French Foreign Policies, 1958-1969. Lanham, Md: Lexington Books, 2010.

Pearson, Roger. Stéphane Mallarmé. London: Reaktion Books, 2010.

Piterberg, Gabriel, Teofilo F. Ruiz, and Geoffrey Symcox. Braudel Revisited: The Mediterranean World, 1600-1800. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010.

Pitte, Jean-Robert. Le bon vin entre terroir, savoir-faire et savoir-boire: actualité de la pensée de Roger Dion. Paris: CNRS Editions, 2010.

Proust, Marcel, and Gérard Lhéritier. Proust, du temps perdu au temps retrouvé: précieuse collection de lettres et manuscrits provenant des bibliothèques d'André et Simone Maurois et de Suzy Mante-Proust. [Ste Marguerite sur Mer]: Équateurs, 2010.

Tardieu, Jean, and Claude Arrieu. Candide: adaptation radiophonique du roman de Voltaire. Ferney-Voltaire: Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2010.

Onfray, Michel. Le crépuscule d'une idole: l'affabulation freudienne. Paris: Grasset, 2010.

Van Belle, Jean-Louis. Deux livres d'expéditions de marbres d'un marchand de Beaumont-Rance en Hainaut (1769-1784). Bruxelles: Commission royale d'histoire, 2010.

Séminaire international des jeunes dix-huitiémistes, Tristan Coignard, Peggy Davis, and Alicia Montoya. Lumières et histoire = Enlightenment and history. Paris: Champion, 2010.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Medici Archive

The Medici Archive Project is accepting applications for its Introduction to Paleography and Archives online course. It sounds like a great opportunity for Italianists who want to work with early modern manuscripts and who are planning to use Italian archives for their research. And since it is online, you don't have to make any last-minute travel plans to Italy (as tempting as that may sound!)

From the announcement:
"The Medici Archive Project will offer in the 2010 fall semester its second online course in paleography and archival studies. This course is designed to increase access to the wealth of information contained in manuscript historical materials, particularly those from late fifteenth- through seventeenth-century Tuscany. This 12-week online course running from September 27th, 2010 to December 19th, 2010 teaches the requisite skills to read historical Italian writings, and offers a broad introduction to the nature of Italian archives. From the letters of Michelangelo to the inventories of the Medici family, the digitized documents used to train the course’s participants in paleographic skills will also expose them to a wide range of document types useful for art historical research."

Monday, August 2, 2010

Recently acquired rare and antiquarian books - June-July 2010

Here are some recent acquisitions Special Collections materials, with some brief notes.

Le Roy, G. H. Le globe-Montgolfier. A Paris: Chez l'auteur, rue Basse, porte Saint-Denis, cul-de-sac St.-Laurent, 1783. Poem about the first manned hydrogen-powered balloon ascent, that of the Globe, which took place less than 2 weeks after the Montgolfier brothers’ flight. The Globe was designed by the French physicist Jacques Charles, and constructed by the Robert brothers, artisans who constructed a rubber coating for the balloon chamber.

Histoire Secrette di prince Croquéton et de la princesse Foirette, donné tout nouvellement au public. Et enrichie de figures en taille douce. Dated 1716. Manuscript. A manuscript with pasted-in illustrations cut from an early edition of this work, whose scatological humor is evident from the title.

Forfait, Pierre-Alexandre-Laurent. Lettres d'un observateur sur la marine, sur son organisation actuelle, et sur la guerre continentale et maritime en général. Paris: Impr. de Clousier, 1802. Forfait was briefly Minister of the Marine under Napoleon, proposes reforms to break the British hold on the Channel.

Ubaldini, Giovanni Paulo. Dieci paradosse degli academici intronati da Siena. In Milano: appresso Gio. Antonio degli Antonij, 1564.

Le Rideau levé; ou, Coup-d'oeil général sur les prisons de Paris, offrant un grand nombre d'anecdotes sur les prisonniers de toutes classes qui y ont été détenus depuis vingt ans; orné d'une jolie gravure. Paris: Laurent-Beaupré, 1815. Description and anecdotes of life in Parisian prisons under Napoleon. “colorful and gossipy accounts” (dealer’s description).

Concone, Francesco. Giurisprudenza femminile ossia breve trattato: in gui si espongono tutte materie di diritto a cui più specialmente prendono parte le donne, secondo il nuovo codice, come anche si dà a una breve notizia delle cose e delle parole legali che più importa conoscere per chi non è iniziato nello studio della giurisprudenza: opera utile non solo alle donne, ma anche ai mariti, ai padri di famiglia ec. ec. Torino: Presso Fumero Maggiore, contrada di Po, casa Spanna, no. 33, 1839. “First edition of this rare handbook of law and jurisprudence for
women, an interpretation of the paragraphs in the new civil law, based on the Code Civile relating to women” (dealer’s description)

Mnémophile. Les Goguettes du bon vieux temps, ou, Recueil choisi de chansons joyeuses: de vaudevilles, cantiques, rondes, et pots-pourris gaillards, publiés dans le cours des XV, XVI, XVII, et XVIIIe siècles. A Paphos [i.e. Paris]: Chez les vieux marchands de nouveautés, 1810.
brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections