Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday primary sources #13

This week, I offer three primary sources in Stanford's collections. All three are household inventories from France from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries and offer glimpses into the daily lives and socio-economic environments of their creators. In chronological order:

Dijon (France) : household inventory for estate of Anne Guit, 1686 February 20.

MISC 976

Detailed inventory of the furniture and papers of deceased, Anne Guit, wife of André Kriffain, prepared by Louis Carré, the King's notary at Dijon. Several other dealers are mentioned. 37 pages.

Dubois, Madame, 1725-1820. Account journal : manuscript codex, 1747-1821.


Consists of accounts of Madame Dubois, a vintner living in or near Angers with vineyards located in the Perche. Her daughter, Mademoiselle Dubois, takes up the journal in 1802, and a male of the family also makes entries in the early 19th cent. In all, the periods 1747-1763, 1800-1808, and 1814-1821 are covered. Aside from the vineyard accounts, includes as well details of the cost of running an 18th cent. provincial household and the inventory made at the death of Madame Dubois. 176 pages.

Montpellier (France) : household inventory of a prosperous merchant, 1890. 17 pages.

MISC 1318

Monday, March 15, 2010

Recently acquired rare and antiquarian books

Barsanti, Pietro Vincenzo. Delle futura Rinnovazione de 'cieli e della terra e de 'suoi abitatori libri 3. [Florence]: Bonducci, 1780. Utopian work by Dominican priest, who also wrote on Savonarola.

Berthollet, Claude-Louis. Précis d'une théorie sur la nature de l'acier, sur sa préparation et ses différentes espèces. A Paris: Chez Cuchet, 1789.

[Recueil de Barbin] Recueil des plus belles pieces des poëtes françois, tant anciens que modernes. Depuis Villon jusqu'à M. de Benserade. Paris: Claude Barbin, 1692.

Detrou. Vie de M. Jean-Sylvain Bailly, premier maire de Paris... Paris: Impr. de la liberté, de la vérité et surtout de l'impartialité, 1790.

Morand, Marcel. Avant-projet du Code, présenté à la Commission de codification du droit musulman algérien. Alger: A. Jourdan, 1916.

Oeuvre des écoles d'Orient, and Oeuvre des pélerinages en Terre Sainte. Oeuvre des écoles d'Orient. Bulletin périodique. Paris: [s.n.?], 1857-. Periodical of French missions in the Levant.

Turra, Elisabetta Caminèr. Nuova Raccolta di Composizioni teatrali tradotte da Elisabetta Caminer Turra... Tomo primo-(sesto). In Venezia: a spese di P. Savioni, 1774.

Contains translations of the following plays into Italian, by the founder of the periodical Il Giornale Enciclopedico, Elisabetta Caminer Turra.

V. 1. La caccia di Enrico IV, di Collé. La morte di Bucefalo, L'indigente, di Mercier. La moglie gelosa, di G. Colmen. -- v. 2. Sara Simpson, Il cieco di Betmnal-Gree, La sposa in lutto, Solimano. -- v.3. Il saggio nel suo ritiro, Lo stagnaio politico, Le leggi di Minosse, di Voltaire, La bottega del chincagliere. -- v. 4. Il figlio riconoscente, di Engel. Non sempre e' certo il peggio, di P. Calderón de la Barca. Merinval, di D'Arnaud. Il nascosto e la velata.-- v. 5. Alberto primo ovvero Adelina, Il carretto del venditore d'aceto, Mentzikoff, La giornaliera. -- v. 6. Natalia, di Mercier.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

CAIRN updates

Hopefully many of you who are working on French topics use the CAIRN and PERSEE full text databases. CAIRN has just changed its look and feel, and added some new features, which I'll briefly describe below:

  • Tabs at the top allowing searching by type of document
  • cross-linking between documents, faceted searching, and tools for creating bibliographies
I'd be happy to help you navigate this great resource -

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday primary source #12

Olschki, Fiammetta. Papers Relating to Leo S. Olschki (firm) and Olschki Family Members, 1904-1994. Special Collections, M0739

Author: Olschki, Fiammetta, collector.
Title: Papers relating to Leo S. Olschki (Firm) and Olschki family members, 1904-1994.
Related e-resource: Finding aid available online
Physical Description: 8.75 linear feet
Note: Boxes 12-18 (Accession 1998-066) are closed until 1/1/2025.

Summary: Includes personal family correspondence between the Wittkowers and their son, and between the Olschkis and their children. The papers of the firm include individual files of correspondence with major scholars and collectors. In addition, there is a history of the firm written by Fiammetta Olschki Witt and information about her catalogue raisonné of European travel books, 1990. Included in the papers of the firm is a file on the Serristori archive (1452-195?) with descriptions and the 1982 valuation; a political oddment file with a German anti-semitic leaflet, 1933, and student protest material from the 1960s and early 70s; and three files about the Florence flood, documenting the losses suffered by the firm, 1966-67.

Leo S. Olschki was founder in 1886 of the prestigious publishing house of the same name. Fiammetta Witt née Olschki married Mario Max Witt (earlier Wittkower). She is the granddaughter of Leo Samuel Olschki, and niece of Leonardo Olschki and Cesare Olschki. Mario Witt's parents were Rudolf and Margot Wittkower.

The archives contain correspondence between the firm and many important scholars and book collectors of the 20th century as well as materials on the Florence flood in 1966 and information on student protest movements.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Candide 2.0 at NYPL

The New York Public Library has a current online exhibit entitled Candide 2.0, a networked version of Voltaire's 1759 classic using the Modern Library's 1918 English edition. Read along with marginalia from Alice Boone, the curator of the NYPL's current exhibit Candide at 250, Scandal and Success, and Nicholas Cronk, the director of the Voltaire Foundation, as well as the general public, and add your own thoughts. Other features of this online celebration include a Google Earth mapping of Candide's travels, and visual representations of the text.

The New York Public Library has one of the largest Voltaire collections in North America, the Martin J. Gross Collection of Voltaire and His Contemporaries Rousseau and Diderot. You can consult the collection's guide in the Lane Room.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Italian studies online journal

California Italian Studies Journal is a new ejournal from the University of California that has just launched using the UC open access platform eScholarship. It will be added shortly to Stanford's library catalog. The inaugural issue is a double-issue entitled "Italy and the Mediterranean" with articles by many leading scholars.

Here is an excerpt from the press release:
Interdisciplinary journal presents innovative work in the field of Italian Studies

eScholarship is pleased to announce the inaugural double issue of California Italian Studies Journal (, a digital, peer-reviewed, open access journal committed to publishing innovative and influential scholarly work in the field of Italian Studies. The nascent journal will feature interdisciplinary, comparative, and critical scholarship.

The journal’s editorial board includes faculty from across the University of California, including UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz. Its advisory board spans the global field of Italian Studies.

“Open access is a key component of today’s efforts to integrate specialized-knowledge-production institutions with the wider network of information exchange generated by the digitalization of media culture,” said Editor Claudio Fogu. “We are proud and excited to connect Italian Studies with this global trend.”

And the mission statement:
"California Italian Studies is a digital, peer-reviewed scholarly journal committed to publishing the finest, the most innovative, and the most potentially influential scholarly work being done in the field of Italian Studies today. CIS seeks contributions which meet one or more of the following criteria: interdisciplinarity; comparativity; criticality. Submissions should be of interest to a broad spectrum of scholars in and outside of Italian Studies. Contributions that make the best and most creative use of the journal's digital format will be especially encouraged."

There are several other journals published on the eScholarship platform of interest to scholars in French and Italian studies:

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Acquisitions, arrivals from January- February 2010

Here is a selection of new books from the past few months -


Alfani, Guido, and Michela Barbot. Ricchezza, valore, proprietà in età preindustriale, 1400-1850. Venezia: Marsilio, 2009.

Bondanella, Peter E. A History of Italian Cinema. New York: Continuum, 2009. with new chapters and a comprehensive bibliography

Brezzi, Alessandra. La letteratura italiana in Cina. Roma: Tiellemedia Editore, 2008.

Caputo, Vincenzo. La bella maniera di scrivere vita: biografie di uomini d'arme e di stato nel secondo Cinquecento. Napoli [etc.]: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2009.

Cardone, Lucia. "Noi donne" e il cinema: dalle illusioni a Zavattini (1944-1954). Pisa: ETS, 2009.

Croce, Giulio Cesare. Opere dialettali e italiane: il mondo visto dal basso. Roma: Carocci, 2009.

Duranti, Tommaso. Diplomazia e autogoverno a Bologna nel Quattrocento, 1392-1466: fonti per la storia delle istituzioni. Bologna: CLUEB, 2009.

Fallaci, Oriana. Intervista con il potere. Milano: Rizzoli, 2009.

Giannetti, Laura. Lelia's Kiss: Imagining Gender, Sex, and Marriage in Italian Renaissance Comedy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.

Motta, Antonio. Bibliografia degli scritti de Leonardo Sciascia / Antonio Motta. Palermo: Sellerio, 2009.

Panero, Francesco. Grandi proprietà ecclesiastiche nell'Italia nord-occidentale: tra sviluppo e crisi (secoli X-XIV). Bologna: CLUEB, 2009.

Papa, Catia. Sotto altri cieli: l'Oltremare nel movimento femminile italiano (1870-1915). Roma: Viella, 2009.

Pinchera, Valeria. La moda in Italia e in Toscana: dalle origini alla globalizzazione. Venezia: Marsilio, 2009.

Richardson, Brian. Manuscript Culture in Renaissance Italy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Rosselli, Amelia. The dragonfly: a selection of poems, 1953-1981. New York: Chelsea Editions, 2009.

Spila, Cristiano. Mostri da salotto: i nani fra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Napoli: Liguori, 2009.

Zanatta, Sara, Samanta Zaghini, and Eleonora Guzzetta. Le donne del fumetto: l'altra metà dei comics italiani : temi, autrici, personaggi al femminile. Latina: Tunué, 2009.

Zanzotto, Andrea. Conglomerati. Milano: Mondadori, 2009.


Apollinaire, Guillaume, Laurence Campa, and Peter Read. Correspondance avec les artistes, 1903-1918. Paris: Gallimard, 2009.

Callu, Agnès, Patrick Eveno, and Hervé Joly, dirs. Culture et médias sous l'Occupation: des entreprises dans la France de Vichy. Paris: CTHS, 2009.

Camus, Catherine, and Marcelle Mahasela. Albert Camus: solitaire et solidaire. Neuilly-sur-Seine: Lafon, 2009.

Chaline, Olivier, Jarosław Dumanowski, and Michel Figeac. Le rayonnement français en Europe centrale du XVIIe siècle à nos jours. Pessac: Maison des sciences de l'homme d'Aquitaine, 2009.

Choukroun, Jacques. Comment le parlant a sauvé le cinéma français: une histoire économique, 1928-1939. [Paris]: Association française de recherche sur l'histoire du cinéma, 2007.

Cixous, Hélène, and Marta Segarra. The Portable Cixous. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.

Darnton, Robert. The Devil in the Holy Water or the Art of Slander from Louis XIV to Napoleon. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.

Drieu La Rochelle, Pierre, Victoria Ocampo. Lettres d'un amour défunt: correspondance 1929-1944. Edited by Julien Hervier. Paris: Bartillat, 2009.

Fromentin, Eugène. Lettres de jeunesse. Paris: Harmattan, 2009.

Goyet, Francis. Les audaces de la prudence: littérature et politique aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2009.

Graber, Frédéric. Paris a besoin d'eau: projet, dispute et délibération technique dans la France napoléonienne. Paris: CNRS Editions, 2009.

Guérin, Jeanyves. Dictionnaire Albert Camus. Bouquins. Paris: R. Laffont, 2009.

Izquierdo, Patricia. Devenir poétesse à la belle époque: 1900-1914 : étude littéraire, historique et sociologique. Paris: Harmattan, 2009.

Kern, Madeleine. Corps et morale entre geste et parole: la représentation de la séduction dans la comédie humaniste française de la renaissance, 1552-1612. Genève: Slatkine, 2009.

Lardon, Sabine, and Marie-Claire Thomine-Bichard. Grammaire du français de la Renaissance: étude morphosyntaxique. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2009.

Lemarchand, Jacques. Le nouveau théâtre, 1947-1968: un combat au jour le jour. Paris: Gallimard, 2009.

Marshall, Bill. The French Atlantic: Travels in Culture and History. Liverpooĺ: Liverpool University Press, 2009.

Mir, Jean-Pierre. Les gardes nationaux, 1813-1814: les oubliés de l'épopée. Suivi du dictionnaire des gardes nationaux activés victimes des combats. Paris: Archives & culture, 2009.

Potofsky, Allan. Constructing Paris in the Age of Revolution. Basingstoke [England]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

Rachline, François. Qu'est-ce qu'être français? Paris: Hermann, 2009.

Raynaud, Philippe. Trois révolutions de la liberté: Angleterre, Amérique, France. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2009.

Rosanvallon, Jérôme, and Benoît Preteseille. Deleuze & Guattari à vitesse infinie. [Volume 1]. [Paris]: Ollendorff & Desseins, 2009.

Theillou, Françoise. Malraux à Boulogne: la maison du Musée imaginaire : 1945-1962. Paris: Bartillat, 2009.

Turnovsky, Geoffrey. The Literary Market: Authorship and Modernity in the Old Regime. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.

Université de Genève. Genève, lieu d'Angleterre = Geneva, an English enclave: 1725-1814. [Actes du colloque qui s'est tenu à l'université de Genève]. Genève: Slatkine, 2009.

Whidden, Seth Adam. Models of Collaboration in Nineteenth-Century French Literature: Several Authors, One Pen. Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2009.

brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections