Some of you may have seen this article in this weekend's New York Times about exploring Paris using a 19th century guidebook. The work in question is the Almanach des gourmands by A. B. Laurent Grimod de la Reynière. If the article piqued your interest, you may like to know that we have an almost complete set of the Alamanchs (missing only vol. 5), which you can consult in Special Collections before your next trip to Paris.
Grimod de La Reynière, Alexandre Balthasar Laurent, and Jean-François Coste. Almanach Des Gourmands, Servant De Guide Dans Les Moyens De Faire Excellente Chère: Par Un Vieil Amateur. [1.]-8. Année.. Paris: Chez Maradan [etc.], 1803-12.
In addition, we have Grimod de la Reyniere's Manuel des amphitryons : contenant un traité de la dissection des viandes à table, la nomenclature des menus les plus nouveaux pour chaque saison, et des élémens de politesse gourmande. Just in time for Thanksgiving.
For those interested in early modern Italian diplomatic history...
Title: Memorie istoriche di diversi luoghi, ed altro. Other title: Memorie storiche di diversi luoghi, ed altro
Other title: History as seen from an Italian Chancellery : unpublished manuscript codex, 1565-1614.
Physical Description: 1 v. (529 ff. ; folio, 34.5 x 23 cm)
Note: Bound in contemporary quarter vellum and cartonato, title on spine, text in neat chancellery hands.
Summary: This unpublished manuscript is from the diplomatic archive of an Italian chancellery, probably compiled in the opening decades of the 17th century. It covers a geographically diverse area of interests from England to China, from Mecca to Poland. The 70-odd texts (letters, news reports, laws, travel narratives) are organized by geographical region, beginning with Poland, Russia and Eastern Europe, then Turkey and the Mediterranean battleground, Britain, and the Savoie. Taken together, the collection offers insight into Italian diplomatic interests at the beginning of the 17th century and the manner in which these were recorded in official circles. Summary: Within the text are oddities, such as an account of the Chinese city of Quinsai (Hangzhou) based on Marco Polo and later accounts by Jesuits and Christian merchants, a description of a Haj from Alexandria to Mecca, and, bound in the same section as various documents relating to the Princedom of Savoie, an etiquette manual for pages in the service of a prince. Summary: The collection of documents relating to England and Scotland numbers some 100-odd pages. It includes texts written by Filippo Pigafetta and Placido Ragazzoni. There is a copy of the Treaty of London (1604), a supplication of 1601 by England's Catholics to the King, and a public defense by Sir Robert Cecil against accusations of intrigue against the crown (1606)
MSS CODEX 0093 F 1 Manuscript Collection -- Request at Special Collections Desk
It is folio-sized,with a bright yellow dust jacket and a sketch of a woman's face dwarfed by a swirl of hair. I couldn't resist, and spent some time paging through the book, looking at the old advertisements and historical photos and skimming the text. No piece of fluff, this book is for anyone interested in gender issues and the representation of women, and on fashion, makeup, and hair trends in France over the past century. Particularly fascinating are the sections about the role the company played in hygiene education - getting people to wash their hair once or twice a week with DOP and using soap daily (with advertising focused on public transport, of course!). Also notable are the development of self-tanning lotion and sunscreen, hair dye for women, hairspray, and especially how the influence of L'Oreal on advertising.
Here is a selected list of new books that have recently arrived in the Stanford University Library -
Arnaudo, Marco. Il trionfo di Vertunno: illusioni ottiche e cultura letteraria nell'età della Controriforma. Lucca: Maria Pacini Fazzi editore, 2008.
Balzarro, Anna. Roma durante l'occupazione nazifascista: percorsi di ricerca. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2009.
Bondanella, Peter E. New Essays on Umberto Eco. Cambridge, UK: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2009.
Cavicchioli, Sonia, and Roberta Iotti. Laura Martinozzi d'Este, fille de France, dux Mutinae: studi intorno a Laura Martinozzi reggente del Ducato di Modena, 1662-1674. Modena: Il Bulino, 2009.
Convegno Gramsci nel suo tempo, and Francesco Giasi. Gramsci nel suo tempo. Annali / Fondazione Istituto Gramsci onlus, 16. Roma: Carocci, 2008.
De Napoli, Olindo. La prova della razza: cultura giuridica e razzismo in Italia negli anni Trenta. Firenze: Le Monnier, 2009.
Di Bartolo, Francesco. Terra e fascismo: l'azione agraria nella Sicilia dopoguerra. Roma: XL, 2009.
Isgrò, Giovanni. Sviluppi delle risorse sceniche in Italia: da D'Annunzio agli anni Trenta. Biblioteca teatrale, 162. Roma: Bulzoni, 2009.
Krause, Elizabeth L. Unraveled: A Weaver's Tale of Life Gone Modern. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.
Novi Chavarria, Elisa. Sacro, pubblico e privato: donne nei secoli XV-XVIII. Passaggi e percorsi, 14. Napoli: Guida, 2009.
Pegorari, Daniele Maria. Critico e testimone: storia militante della poesia italiana, 1948-2008. Il tridente, 67. Bergamo: Moretti & Vitali, 2009.
Tremolanti, Ezio. Il Settecento, luci ed ombre nelle comunità delle colline pisane: economia, società, demografia del comprensorio larigiano. [Pontedera, Italy]: CLD libri, 2008.
Vianello, Amelia. Gli archivi del Consiglio dei dieci: memoria e istanze di riforma nel secondo Settecento veneziano. Ricerche / Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università di Venezia, 55. Padova: Il poligrafo, 2009.
Zanoboni, M. Paola. Salariati nel Medioevo, secoli XIII-XV: "guadagnando bene e lealmente il proprio compenso fino al calar del sole". Ferrara: Nuovecarte, 2009.
Zarri, Gabriella. Libri di spirito: editoria religiosa in volgare nei secoli XV-XVII. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 2009.
Bergin, Joseph. Church, Society and Religious Change in France, 1580-1730. New Haven [Conn.]: YaleUniversity Press, 2009.
Da Vinha, Mathieu. Le Versailles de Louis XIV: le fonctionnement d'une résidence royale au XVIIe siècle. [Paris]: Perrin, 2009.
Dandrey, Patrick, and Bernard Beugnot. Génétique matérielle, génétique virtuelle: pour une approche généticienne des textes sans archives. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2009.
Dreyfus, Pauline. Robert Badinter, l'épreuve de la justice. Issy-les-Moulineaux: Toucan, 2009.
Einaudi, Jean-Luc. Scènes de la guerre d'Algérie en France: automne 1961. Paris: Cherche midi, 2009.
Latry, Guy. La voix occitane: actes du VIIIe congrès de l'Association internationale d'études occitanes, Bordeaux, 12-17 octobre 2005 2 v. Pessac: Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2009.
Les cérémoniaux catholiques en France á l'époque moderne: une littérature de codification des rites liturgiques. Turnhout: Brepols, 2009.
Mormiche, Pascale. Devenir prince: l'école du pouvoir en France, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle. Paris: CNRS, 2009.
Perrot, Michelle. Histoire de chambres. Paris: Seuil, 2009.
Roche, Roger-Yves, and Ruth Amar. Lectures de Modiano. Nantes: Cécile Defaut, 2009.
Roquincourt, Thierry. Articles historiques sur les marines, colonies et outre-mers: XVe siècle-1815 : bibliographie : contribution à un recensement des articles publiés en français parmi une sélection de périodiques des XIXe, XXe, et XXIe siècles. Paris: SPM, 2009.