Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tintin in the news

Tintin au Congo made the NYT in an article about how libraries deal with books deemed "offensive."

Our copy? On the shelf in Green -
 Author: Hergé, 1907-1983.
Title: Tintin au Congo / Hergé.
Imprint: [Paris] : Casterman, 2006.
Series: (Les Aventures de Tintin ; 2)

1)PN6790 .B44 T573 2006 1 STACKS

But I have been locating some of the more contemporary bandes dessinees and fumetti in SAL3. Of course they are all in the catalog, and you can feel free to ask me for a list of what we have.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Google and the BnF

The BnF and Google are currently in negotiations about the digitization of the French collections, as announced in La Tribune today, and picked up by media outlets .

It seems that funding is a significant issue, "
La seule numérisation des ouvrages de la IIIe République française coûterait par exemple, selon le directeur général adjoint de la BNF, entre 50 et 80 millions d'euros alors que la BNF ne disposerait que d'un budget annuel de numérisation d'environ 5 millions d'euros." (La Tribune)

Le Monde's article:

From former BnF President Jeanneney's tenure (and his book - Quand Google défie l'Europe : plaidoyer pour un sursaut. [Paris?] : Mille et une nuits, c2005. ZA4234 .G64 J43 2005 (English ed. Google and the myth of universal knowledge : a view from Europe, Univ. of Chicago Press, 2007. ZA4234 .G64 J4313 2007), to this announcement is a big step.

The current BnF President, Bruno Racine and his director of collections Denis Bruckmann, visited Stanford this spring, and they obviously have a different view of the situation.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Recently acquired rare and antiquarian books

Collection of 42 pieces (arrest, declarations, lettres patentes, ordonnances) published between 1724 and 1787, concerning the manufacturing, production, and commerce of various cloths: a very nice collection on industrial, manufacturing, and economic policy in France in the eighteenth century. 4to. Disbound. – these are cataloged separately, feel free to contact me for a title list.

Adam, Victor, 1801-1866. Les accidents de voitures. [Paris : c.1862]
Wonderful book of humorous prints depicting transportation and traffic accidents in the 19th century – pre-automobile.

Eseqvie fatte in Venetia dalla natione fiorentina al serenissimo D. Cosimo II qvarto gran dvca di Toscana il di 25 di maggio 1621. In Venetia : Appresso il Ciotti, 1621.
This work describes the funeral celebrations in Venice in honor of Cosimo II de’ Medici and includes detailed etchings showing the views of the church, the procession, and a set of scenes from Cosimo II’s life. The celebration was organized by Giulio Strozzi, of the important Florentine family who had been the Medici’s chief rivals in the 15th century, but later intermarried with them. Strozzi was a well-known librettist and poet, whose output also included works, such as this one, describing Venetian ceremonial and musical culture.

Bandettini, Teresa, 1763-1837. Polidoro; tragedia, [Lucca, F. Bonsignori, 1794].
The first of two plays by the improvisatory poet Teresa Bandettini.

Le Clerc, Jean, 1657-1736. Réflexions sur ce que l'on appelle bonheur et malheur en matiere de loteries : et sur le bon usage qu'on en peut faire. A Amsterdam : Chez George Gallet, 1696.
First edition of this in-depth treatment of lotteries. The author, a friend of John Locke whose influence is clear in this work, deals with both sides of luck.

Monday, August 10, 2009

EIO -Editoria Italiana Online

Our Italian book vendor, Casalini Libri, also provides us with a subscription to their digital library, EIO. EIO contains digital full text versions of recent monographs and journals from Italian scholarly presses, and is regularly updated.

We just learned that they will be performing maintainance on the database from August 14-23. There may be temporary interuptions to service during this time.

We just renewed this great resource and hope that you are using it in your research. Titles with links to their e-versions appear in Socrates, and you can do full-text searching within the contents of the books from the EIO interface.

Editoria Italiana Online - (restricted to Stanford users)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday primary source #9 - Jews in Comtat Venaissin

The following manuscript is about Jews in early
modern Carpentras, France. Before Emancipation
in 1791, Carpentras was one of the five cities in
France known as the Comtat Venaissin where Jews
were allowed to live,because it was under Papal
rule. This census contains details about
Jewish families and kinship networks, property
and living arrangements,and rent and taxes.

Organization: Carpentras (France)
Title: Carpentras : Censes appartenentes
aux heoirs[héritiers] de feu noble
Barthelemy Bollon [Ollon]
1632-1688 : [manuscript]
Physical Description: In-4,
[dimension:220x180mm] de 68 ff. Vélin (Reliure
de l'époque)
Note: "Manuscrit rédigé pour l'essentiel
d'une seule main de 1632-1688, avec
quelques ajouts, le plus récent de

brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections