Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday primary source #5 - a manuscript on criminology

Author: Zamboni, Pietro.
Title: Introduzione alla Pratica Criminale.., tradotta dal
Latino in Volgare da Giannantonio Signoretti di
Orazio, 1738.
Physical Description: 1 v. (113 leaves)
Summary: 28 chapters and an index. Each chapter appears to
deal with a different aspect of criminology and the
laws and penalties related to the different types of
crimes committed. Crimes range from the public to the
private: adultery, sacrilege, incest, homicide,
poisoning. Also examined are the various motivations
or reasons for crimes, and the forensic procedures to
be taken in case of death.
Note: Born probably in mid-late 16th century in Schio
(Vicence), Italy. Lawyer.
Note: Purchased, 1989.
Subject (LC): Crime and criminals--Italy.
Subject (LC): Law--Italy.
Repository address: Dept. of Special Collectins, Stanford Univ. Libraries,
Stanford, CA 94305.


Friday, May 22, 2009

New Books - May 2009


Bartolini, Simonetta. Ardengo Soffici: il romanzo di una vita. Firenze: Le lettere, 2009.

Camilotti, Silvia. Lingue e letterature in movimento: scrittrici emergenti nel panorama letterario italiano contemporaneo. Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2008.

Cortellessa, Andrea. Libri segreti: autori-critici nel Novecento italiano. Firenze: Le lettere, 2008.

Dante Alighieri, Stanley Lombardo, and Anthony Oldcorn. Inferno. Indianapolis, Ind: Hackett, 2008.

Davide, Miriam. Lombardi in Friuli: per la storia delle migrazioni interne nell'Italia del Trecento. Trieste: CERM, 2008.

Fasano Guarini, Elena, and Franco Angiolini. La pratica della storia in Toscana: continuità e mutamenti tra la fine del '400 e la fine del '700. Temi di storia, 140. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2009.

Herzfeld, M. Evicted from Eternity: The Restructuring of Modern Rome. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Ragone, Giovanni, and Donatella Capaldi. Classici dietro le quinte: storie di libri e di editori : da Dante a Pasolini. I Robinson. Roma: Laterza, 2009.

Rondini, Andrea. Lettori: forme della ricezione ed esperienze di lettura nella narrativa italiana da Foscolo al nuovo millennio. Biblioteca della "Rivista di letteratura italiana", 17. Pisa: F. Serra, 2009.

Tellini, Gino. Rifare il verso: la parodia nella letteratura italiana. Oscar saggi, 845. Milano: Oscar Mondadori, 2008.

Tosto, Francesco Diego. La letteratura e il sacro. Napoli [etc.]: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2009.

Wu, Ming. New Italian epic: letteratura, sguardo obliquo, ritorno al futuro. Torino: Einaudi, 2009.


Ben Jelloun, Tahar. Au pays: roman. [Paris]: Gallimard, 2009.

Bulaitis, John. Communism in Rural France: French Agricultural Workers and the Popular Front. London: I.B. Tauris, 2008.

Castel, Hélène. Retour d'exil d'une femme recherchée. Paris: Seuil, 2009.

Confiant, Raphaël. Black is black: récit. Monaco: Alphée, 2008.

Cronk, Nicholas. The Cambridge Companion to Voltaire. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 235p. $85.00.

Despentes, Virginie. King Kong theory. London: Serpent's Tail, 2008.

Harvey, Robert, Bernard Alazet, and Hélène Volat. Les écrits de Marguerite Duras: bibliographie des oeuvres et de la critique, 1940-2006. Paris: IMEC, 2009.

Lanzmann, Claude. Le lièvre de Patagonie. [Paris]: Gallimard, 2009.

Pieyre de Mandiargues, André. Récits érotiques et fantastiques. Edited by Gérard Macé and Sibylle Pieyre de Mandiargues. [Paris]: Gallimard, 2009.

Pourquoi des théories. Expériences philosophiques. Besançon: Solitaires intempestifs, 2009.

Sartre, Jean-Paul, and Chris Turner. The Aftermath of War (Situations III). London: Seagull Books, 2008.

Société d'études céliniennes. Céline-Paulhan: questions sur la responsabilité de l'écrivain au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale : première Journée d'études Céline-Paulhan, Paris, 20 novembre 2007. Paris: Société d'études céliniennes, 2008.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Europe in bits and bytes

I am an active member of WESS, the librarian group of "Western European Subject Specialists." The "Europe in Bits and Bytes" column in the most recent newsletter has a particularly rich summary of new online resources in various European countries and languages.

Some of them (like Europeana) I've mentioned here, but others may be new to you - for example:
- catalogues of digitized medieval manuscripts
- digitized proceedings of the French legislature since 1958
- Treccani Vocabulario and Enciclopedia online

For more information on these and other scholarly digital websites - from France, Italy, as well as Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Austria, and Benelux, see:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday primary source #4

Biography of an important Florentine -

Title: Vita di Filippo Strozzi, Gentiluomo Fiorentino.
Imprint: [Florence, ca. 1682]
Physical Description: 1 v. (104 leaves)
Summary: Dedicated to the author's father, the manuscript was
most likely first written by one of Giambattista's
sons, either Piero (d. 1558) or Leone (1515-1554), or
perhaps his brother, Lorenzo (1482-1547).
Note: The Strozzi family, long amongst the ruling nobility
of Florence, was founded by Filippo (1426-1491) and
continued by his son Giambattista (1488-1538) who was
also known as Filippo. This manuscript is about the
second Filippo. He became involved in intrigues
against the Medicis, led attacks of Florentine exiles
against Florence, was defeated, captured and ended his
own life in prison.
Note: Written in Tuscan Italian, several hands, in late
Chancery italic style.
Note: Purchased, 1985.
Subject (LC): Strozzi, Filippo, 1488-1538.
Subject (Other): Italy--History--1492-1559.
Subject (Other): Florence--Politics and government--1421-1737.
Subject (Other): Medieval and Renaissance studies--Italy--17th century.
Added author: Strozzi, Lorenzo di Filippo, 1482-1547.
Repository address: Dept. of Special Collections, Stanford Univ.
Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Additions to Classiques Garnier online Renaissance collections

We have two of the Classiques Garnier (formerly Champion online) collections on the Renaissance:
Textes de la Renaissance and Colloques, Congrès et Conférences.

They have just announced the most recent additions to these collections, which I've listed below:

Textes de la Renaissance

- Anthologie, Éros baroque. Anthologie de la poésie amoureuse (1580-1620), édité par

Mathieu-Castellani (Gisèle)

- Champier (Symphorien), La Nef des dames vertueuses, édité par Kem (Judy)

- Chaperon (Jean), Le Chemin de long estude de Dame Cristine de Pisan (1549), édité

par Le Brun-Gouanvic (Claire)

- Cues (Nicolas de), Les Écrits mathématiques, édité par Nicolle (Jean-Marie)

- Estienne (Henri), Introduction à la lecture de Sénèque (1586), édité par Carabin


- Héliodore, L'Histoire æthiopique, édité par Plazenet (Laurence)

- Jehan du Pré, Le Palais des nobles Dames (Lyon, 1534), édité par Dunn-Lardeau


- La Chapelle, Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la vie d'Agrippa d'Aubigné, édité par

Banderier (Gilles)

- Le Poulchre de La Motte-Messemé (François), Le Passe-temps, édité par Lourde


- Leonardo Bruni Aretino, Histoire, éloquence et poésie à Florence au début du

Quattrocento, édité par Bernard-Pradelle (Laurence)

- Marguerite de Navarre, OEuvres complètes, Tome VIII. Chrétiens et mondains, poèmes

épars [Marguerite de Navarre], édité par Cooper (Richard)

- Matthieu (Abel), Devis de la langue française (1559) suivi du Second Devis et principal

propos de la langue française ..., édité par Jacquetin-Gaudet (Alberte)

- Matthieu (Pierre), Théâtre complet [Matthieu (Pierre)], édité par Lobbes (Louis)

- Pierre Sala, Tristan, édité par Verchere (Chantal)

- Pontus de Tyard, OEuvres complètes, Tome VI. Homélies. OEuvres de circonstance

[Pontus de Tyard], édité par Kushner (Eva), Fragonard (Marie-Madeleine), Rouget

(François), Roudaut (François)

- Richard (Marcellin), La Passion de saint André, édité par Sibille (Jean)

- Second (Jean), OEuvres complètes, Tome V. Itineria (Carnet de voyage) –

Correspondance [Second (Jean)], édité par Guillot (Roland)

- Servet (Michel), Sept livres sur les erreurs de la Trinité, édité par Bénin (Rolande-


- Thenaud (Jean), Traicté de la Cabale, édité par Christie-Miller (Ian), Roudaut (François)

- Thou (Jacques-Auguste de), La Vie de Jacques-Auguste de Thou, I. Aug. Thuani vita,

édité par Teissier-Ensminger (Anne)

- Valdés (Juan de), Dialogue de la langue. Diálogo de la lengua (1535), édité par

Chabrolle-Cerretini (Anne-Marie)

- Satyre Menippee de la Vertu du Catholicon d'Espagne, édité par Martin (Martial)

Colloques, congrès et conférences, Renaissance européenne

- L'énigmatique à la Renaissance: formes, significations, esthétiques, édité par Martin

(Daniel), Servet (Pierre), Tournon (André)

- Littérature et droit, du Moyen Âge à la période baroque: le procès exemplaire, édité par

Geonget (Stéphan), Méniel (Bruno)

- Michel Servet (1511-1553). Hérésie et pluralisme du XVIe au XXIe siècle, édité par

Zuber (Valentine)

- Moralia et OEuvres morales à la Renaissance, édité par Guerrier (Olivier)

- Philippe Desportes. Poète profane, poète sacré, édité par Petey-Girard (Bruno), Rouget


- Pontus de Tyard: Errances et enracinement, édité par Rouget (François)

- Renaissance de l'Ode. L'Ode française au tournant des années 1550, édité par Dauvois


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Grand Tour online - digital resource trial

We have just started a trial to a new digital resource - The Grand Tour - from Adam Matthew Digital Digital. It will be available from Stanford IP addresses until May 31st.

The Grand Tour contains both primary and secondary resources, including correspondence, memoirs, maps, photographs and other images, documenting the travel experience on the European continent from 1550-1850.

Here is the publisher's description of its scope and contents:

"... This collection of manuscript, visual and printed works allows scholars to compare a range of sources on the history of travel for the first time, including many from private or neglected collections. We include letters; diaries and journals; account books; printed guidebooks; published travel writing; paintings and sketches; architectural drawings and maps.

The Grand Tour is a wonderful source of information about daily life in the eighteenth century, highlighting such everyday issues as transportation, money, communications, food and drink, health and sex.

The material also covers European political and religious life, British diplomacy; life at court, and social customs on the Continent, and is an invaluable resource for the study of Europe’s urban spaces.

There is a wealth of detail about cities such as Paris, Rome, Florence and Geneva, including written accounts and visual representations of street life, architecture and urban planning."

Note that because this is a trial, the "download document as PDF" function will not work.

Please check it out and send me feedback!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tenso in Project Muse

Project Muse, the online full-text journal database, has just added an important journal on Occitan studies to its lineup - TENSO: Bulletin of the Société Guilhem IX. It will be available from the current issue (Vol. 24, No. 1-2, Spring-Fall 2009) onwards. We have recently acquired a full run of the journal beginning in 1985.

Here is the description of the journal from the Project Muse website:

"TENSO: Bulletin of the Société Guilhem IX
publishes articles on any aspect of Occitan studies, including literature, language, linguistics, and music, and prints scholarly essays, critical editions, translations, original verse in Occitan, book reviews, announcements, and bibliographical information. While English is the primary language, it also accepts items in French, Occitan, Catalan, Spanish, Italian, and German.

The journal is sent to members of the Société Guilhem IX and to institutions holding subscriptions. It is indexed in the Modern Language Association Bibliography, The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, the International Medieval Bibliography, and the bibliographies of Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale and Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France.

TENSO is a member of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals."
brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections