Monday, March 23, 2009

EIO in Socrates

Our Italian digital library, Casalini EIO - Editoria Italiana Online, contains recent publications from more than 50 scholarly publishers - including more than 3,000 monographs and 200 periodicals. These materials are all full text and searchable by keyword.

To fully take advantage of the search and discovery functions, you need to search from within EIO, but now individual titles for 2678 of these journals and monographs are in Socrates, with direct links to the EIO e-text. This means, that if you are looking for a specific title in Socrates, and it is available in EIO, you will be able to surf on over to the digital version of the book or journal.

To access EIO from a Stanford IP address, go to

To browse titles in the collection from Socrates, do an 'everything' search for: ei4{856}

Friday, March 20, 2009

A small selection of new books for March


Badiou, Alain, and David Fernbach. The Meaning of Sarkozy. London: Verso, 2008.

Claeys, Thierry. Dictionnaire biographique des financiers en France au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: SPM, 2008. 2 vols, HASRC-Lane Room

Dupuy, Jean-Pierre. La marque du sacré. Paris: Carnets nord, 2008.

Hernandez, Colette, and Jean Gougaud. La morale à l'école: 1905-1950. Paris: Berg, 2009. (primary source: extracts from French schoolbooks)

Houellebecq, Michel. Interventions. 2, traces. Paris: Flammarion, 2009.

Merriman, John M. The dynamite club : how a bombing in fin-de-siècle Paris ignited the age of modern terror. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009.

Orr, Mary. Flaubert's Tentation: Remapping Nineteenth-Century French Histories of Religion and Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Paumerelle, Claude, and Sabine Arnaud. La philosophie des vapeurs: suivi d'une Dissertation sur les vapeurs et les pertes de sang. [Paris]: Mercure de France, 2009.

Richard, Gaël. Dictionnaire des personnages: des noms de personnes, figures et référents culturels dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Louis-Ferdinand Céline. Tusson: Du Lérot, 2008.

Viel, Tanguy. Paris-Brest. Paris: Minuit, 2009.


Castellana, Riccardo. Federigo Tozzi : bibliografia delle opere e della critica, 1901-2007. Pontedera (Pisa) : Bibliografia e informazione, c2008.

Convegno "Circolazione dei beni, circuiti di affetti, la famiglia europea in età moderna" (2007 : Rome, Italy) Famiglie : circolazione di beni, circuiti di affetti in età moderna. Roma : Viella, 2008.

Convegno sulla "Modernità controversa" del cinema italiano (2005 : Milan, Italy) Figure della modernità nel cinema italiano, 1900-1940. Pisa : ETS, c2008.

Gentile, Emilio. La nostra sfida alle stelle : futuristi in politica. Roma : Laterza, 2009.

Incunaboli e cinquecentine della Biblioteca comunale di Troina. Palermo : Biblioteca francescana : Officina di studi medievali, 2006.

Italiani e antifascisti in Tunisia negli anni Trenta : percorsi di una difficile identità. Napoli : Liguori, 2008.

Mayhew, Tea. Dalmatia between Ottoman and Venetian rule : Contado di Zara, 1645-1718. Roma : Viella, c2008.

Paolini, Gabriele. Offensive di pace : la Santa Sede e la Prima Guerra mondiale. Firenze : Polistampa : Fondazione Spadolini Nuova antologia, c2008.

Studi gramsciani nel mondo : gli studi culturali. Bologna : Il mulino, c2008.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gallica updates

Gallica, the BnF's digital library, has recently launched a blog to offer users updates about its contents, search tips, and other information about this very useful resource.

For example, the most recent post talks about how to find individual titles that are in an author's collected works, but can't be found through their search engine. In addition to offering some suggestions, there is a link to a list of all "Oeuvres completes" that are found in Gallica.

Since it just started, there aren't many posts, but I hope that they'll update it regularly.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Recently acquired rare and antiquarian books

In these dark times, I'm glad to spread some good news in the form of recently acquired rare and antiquarian books, as well as two manuscripts.


Villiers, Marc, 1672-1762. Mémoires sur la finance par rapport au gouvernement qu'en a M. le Controleur général, rédigés par Marc de Villiers Secrétaire du roi et premier Commis des finances, qui les a achevés en 1742 et y fait différentes additions jusqu'en 1754. Continués par Jacques Etienne de Villiers, Conseiller au Chatelet, et premier commis des finances, son fils jusqu'en 1758. A manuscript describing the scope and activities under the purview of the French Contrôleur général des Finances in the 18th century, written by father and son premier commis des finances. Detailed table of contents and index! 596 pages, covering the years 1726-1772.

[Savorgnan, Benedetta] Dowry list, & celebratory poetry Per sua Eccellenza la Signora co: Benedetta Savorgnan sposa con sua Eccellenza il signor co: Pacifico Camerata, 22 Febbraro 1802. A handwritten list detailing a noblewoman’s dowry, followed with entries a year later for items needed for the birth of her child, and then for the baptism. 2 published celebratory poems are tipped in.

Books and other materials:

Allacci, Leone, 1586-1669. Leonis Allatii. Apes urbanae : siue De viris illustribus : qui ab anno MDCXXX per totum MDCXXXII ; Romae adsuerunt ac typis aliquid euulgarunt. Romae : Excudebat Ludouicus Grignanus, 1633.

Editto in materia di Sanità de’ Bovini. In Bologna nella Stamperia Camerale, 1796.

Teloni, Vincenzo. De' terremoti : loro cagioni, effeti, e malori, che producono, e loro cura preservativa in generale... In Viterbo : Per Giulio de' Giulii, 1703

Bergeret, Gaston. Journal d'un nègre à l'Exposition de 1900. Paris : L. Carteret, 1901.

Bibesco, Marthe, 1886-1973. Le perroquet vert. Paris: B. Grasset, 1924.

Cole, Wilton. Some reflections & Memories. London : Wise & Company, The Battersea Press, n.d.[1923?] ("This is a privately printed account of Sarah Bernhardt's theatrical appearances from 1895 to 1922.")

Commission des recherches sur l'histoire de Paris pendant la Revolution française. Proces-verbaux de la Commission et des Sous-Commission (Seances de janvier a juillet 1887). Paris: Imprimerie Municipale, 1887, 155 p.

Dethier, Laurent François. Le guide des curieux qui visitent les eaux de Spa .... Verviers [Belgium] : Loxhay, 1814.

Émery, Rose. Une année a Paris; impressions d'une jeune fille. Paris, Chez l'auteur, 1886.

Esquiros, Alphonse, 1812-1876. Charlotte Corday. Paris : Desessart, 1840.

Le Point, revue artistique et littéraire. Bistros. Souillac-Mulhouse : Pierre Braun, 1960. Illustrated with 44 photographs by Robert Doisneau. Publisher's wrappers. A compelling monument to the cultural life of the bistrots of postwar Saint Germain. With texts by Prevert and Robert Giraud and haunting photographs by Doisneau.

LeGros, Jean Charles François. Analyse des ouvrages de J.J. Rousseau, de Genève, et de M. Court de Gebelin, auteur du Monde primitif. Genève: Barthelemy Chirol, 1785. [bound with] Examen des systêmes de J.J. Rousseau de Genève, et de M. Court de Gebelin, Auteur du Monde Primitif; Pour servir de suite à l'analyse de leurs Ouvrages. Par un Solitaire. A Genève, chez Barthélemy Chirol, Libraire. Et à Paris, chez la Veuve Duchesne, Libraire, rue Saint-Jacques, près de la Place Cambrai. 1786.

Terrade, Albert. La guillotine et ses différents emplacements à Versailles. Versailles : L. Bernard, 1903.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Salt Beef or Manioc?

The current Gimon Collection visiting scholar, Bertie Mandelblatt, will be presenting a paper entitled "Salt Beef or Manioc? Crises of Food Provisions in the French Antilles between the `Period esclavagiste' and Now" next Thursday, March 12, at Omnivore Books in San Francisco.

More information about the event, as well as about the Culinary Historians of Northern California, is available on the bookstore's website.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Gimon visiting scholar - Bertie Mandelblatt

I’m very pleased to welcome Bertie Mandelblatt, a Postdoctoral Fellow (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Université de Montréal) whose current project examines the Atlantic exchange networks in the molasses and rum produced in the French Antilles during the Ancien régime.

This project expands her doctoral research focus on the production, exchange and consumption of commodities in the French Atlantic. Her dissertation (University of London, 2008), entitled "Feeding the French Atlantic: Colonial Food Provisioning Networks in the Franco-Caribbean during the Ancien regime," analyzes patterns in both transatlantic and local food provisioning to the colonial, largely slave populations of the Franco-Caribbean, as well as in its consumption during the reigns of Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI." It reconceptualizes the slave subject as a consumer, as well as a commodity and producer of commodities, whose collective economic effect were felt throughout the Atlantic world. In so doing, it stresses connections and exchanges between the sites of the French Atlantic, reconsidering definitions of 'centre' and 'periphery.'

Bertie will be here at Stanford until March 14, and I hope that many of you will be able to meet her and learn more about her fascinating topic. She will be presenting her work at the March 12 meeting of the Culinary Historians of Northern California; I will be sending out more information about this event in the next few days.

brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections