Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday reading - new acquisitions

Here are some titles that are just arriving in the library - you'll notice that several of them have Stanford ties (Girard, Canto-Sperber, and a special mention to the publication of Lara Moore's dissertation, Restoring Order: The Ecole Des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France, 1820-1870.)


Anspach, Mark Rogin. René Girard. (Cahiers de l’Herne, 89). Paris: Herne, 2008.

Artiaga, Loïc. Le roman populaire: des premiers feuilletons aux adaptions télévisuelles, 1836-1960. Collection Mémoires, no. 143. Paris: Autrement, 2008.

Boileau Despréaux, Nicolas, 1636-1711. Art of poetry and Lutrin. Richmond, Surrey, U.K. : Oneworld Classics, 2008.

Canto-Sperber, Monique. Que peut l'éthique? Conversations pour demain. Paris: Textuel, 2008.

Cheng, François. L’un vers l’autre: en voyage avec Victor Segalen. Paris : A. Michel, 2008.

Dubreuil, Laurent. L'empire du langage: colonies et francophonie. Paris: Hermann, 2008.

Étienne, Marie. King of a hundred horsemen. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008.

Les ports dans l'Europe méditerranéenne: trafics et circulation, images et représentations, XVIe-XXIe siècles. Actes du colloque tenu à Montpellier les 19 et 20 mars 2004 en hommage à Louis Dermigny (1916-1974). Montpellier: Publications Montpellier 3, 2008.

McCabe, Ina Baghdiantz. Orientalism in early modern France : Eurasian trade, exoticism, and the Ancien Régime. Oxford ; New York : Berg, 2008.

Mokkadem, Hamid. Littératures calédoniennes: la littérature océanienne francophone est-elle une littérature française? Marseille: La courte échelle éditions transit, 2008.

Moore, Lara Jennifer. Restoring Order: The Ecole Des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France, 1820-1870. Duluth, Minn: Litwin Books, 2008.


Bertozzi, Marco, 1963- Storia del documentario italiano : immagini e culture dell'altro cinema. Venezia : Marsilio, 2008.

Lettere in libertà : dalle iniziali miniate ai graffiti, alfabeti, segni, immagini. Parma : Museo Bodoniano, 2007.

Luzzi, Joseph. Romantic Europe and the ghost of Italy. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2008.

Picone, Michelangelo, 1943- Boccaccio e la codificazione della novella : letture del "Decameron". Ravenna : Longo, c2008.

Rea, Roberto. Cavalcanti poeta : uno studio sul lessico lirico. Roma : Nuova cultura, 2008.

Santoro, Marco. Materiali per una bibliografia degli studi sulla storia del libro italiano. Pisa : F. Serra, 2008.

Scriboni, Mirella. Abbasso la guerra! : voci di donne da Adua al primo conflitto mondiale (1896-1915). Pisa : BFS, c2008.

On the Italian front, I'd also like to bring your attention to a new facsimile edition of Leonardo da Vinci's Leicester Codex, with English translation, available to consult in Special Collections:

Leonardo, da Vinci, 1452-1519. The Leicester Codex (Hammer Codex). Roma: TREC edizioni pregiati, c2006.

And if you have time this holiday season, the Legion of Honor museum in SF has a nice exhibit of some of Leonardo's drawings from the collections of the Biblioteca Reale in Turin.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ARTFL's online Encyclopédie - 10th anniversary

From ARTFL's director, Robert Morrissey, comes news about the new and improved content, interface, and functionalities of the ARTFL Encyclopédie Project:

"On this, the 10th anniversary of the ARTFL Encyclopédie Project, I am very pleased to present a new version of the digital Encyclopédie and to announce its release to the general public. While we have steadily made improvements over the years, this new version marks an important stage in the unfolding development of the electronic edition of Diderot and d'Alembert's monumental work. The author attributions have been verified and corrected; new searching functions have been introduced; new research and archival materials have been made available. This version includes not only the four volume Supplement to the Encyclopédie, but also the proofs of censored articles and legal documents bound together in the so-called "18th volume." For the first time, our user community will be able to participate in the correction and improvement of the edition by using our "report error" link to inform us of errors they encounter. All these factors have contributed to our decision to make most elements of this site available not just to the scholarly community of ARTFL subscribers, but to the public at large."

Editor's Introduction:
Introduction (version française):

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sans papier

Cornell's French Studies Program has recently launched a new electronic series of pre-prints in the field of French and Francophone Studies. Entitled Sans papier, scholars are encouraged to submit their work, which will be read by an editorial board before being made accessible on their website as protected PDF files. However, note that this is not a peer-reviewed publication, rather it is a way of disseminating new research in a timely manner. Copyright remains with the author, who is free to submit the work elsewhere.

For more information about this innovative scholarly communication initiative, please see their website: Sans papier.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Really old books, recently acquired

Incunabula is the term used for books printed before 1501 in Europe. Since printing using a mechanical press only really began in 1455, these are very early examples of printed books. The British Library produces various catalogs of incunabula, primarily the 13-part work:

British Museum, Dept. of Printed Books. Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century in the British Museum, London (Green Z240 .B863 F) and the Incunabula Short Title Catalogue.

We have recently acquired units 65, 66, and 70 of Incunabula [microform]: the printing revolution in Europe, 1455-1500, editor-in-chief, Lotte Hellinga.

These units, Printing in French, include full-text reproductions of 278 incunabula. Printed guides with title lists are in the Media-Microtext Room (or will be soon), and I have Word documents of title lists that I'd be happy to send to you.

We also hold units 26-28, Philosophy: Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance.

Here's the publisher's blurb about the entire set: "Based on the Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC) at the British Library, this microfiche collection reproduces full-text editions of incunabula from libraries around the world. The texts are arranged around subject themes, such as: law, medicine, philosophy, classical texts in translation, romances, geography, cosmography and journeys of discovery, chronicles and historiography; and provide for the study of early book production in the first stages of European printing."

brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections