Friday, November 21, 2008
According to an article in the New York Times today, "The most interest came from Germany, at 17 percent, followed by France, at 10 percent, Spain at 9 percent, Italy at 6 percent, the Netherlands at 5 percent and Belgium and the United States at 4 percent."
Still, they promise to be up with a more robust server next month. In the meanwhile, learn more about it on the development site (entirely in English!) :
and in this article from the NYT: "France dominates Europea's Digital Library"
French history bibliography
I can't post the entire bibliography here, since it is destined for the journal, but if you'd like a sneak peek at a specific section, please send me an email
The categories are:
General and miscellaneous (local histories, theory, works on historians, thematic works and other titles that don't fit into temporal limits)
Ancient and Medieval
French Revolution and Napoleon
Third Republic
1940 to the present
May 1968
Colonialism and DOM-TOM
Friday, November 14, 2008
Recently acquired
Alessandrelli, Susanna. Ironie vs humour : essai de définition typologique.
Alimento, Antonella. Finanze e amministrazione : un'inchiesta francese sui catasti nell'Italia del Settecento, 1763-1764.
Buccio, di Ranallo, d. 1363. Cronica.
Castaldini, Alberto. La segregazione apparente : gli Ebrei a Verona nell'età del ghetto, secoli XVI-XVIII. Firenze : L.S. Olschki, 2008.
Convegno internazionale "Africa orientale italiana, settant'anni dopo" (2006 : Cagliari, Italy) L'Africa orientale italiana nel dibattito storico contemporaneo. Roma : Carocci, 2007.
Differences, deceits and desires : murder and mayhem in Italian crime fiction. Newark : University of Delaware Press, 2008.
Finlay, Robert. Venice besieged: politics and diplomacy in the Italian wars, 1494-1534. Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate/Variorum, c2008.
I poeti della scuola siciliana. Milano : A. Mondadori, 2008-
Il concetto di libertà nel Rinascimento : atti del XVIII convegno internazionale, Chianciano-Pienza 17-20 luglio 2006. Firenze : F. Cesati, c2008.
La Rovere, Luca. L'eredità del fascismo : gli intellettualli, i giovani e la transizione al postfascismo, 1943-1948. Torino : Bollati Boringhieri, 2008.
Miglio, Luisa. Governare l'alfabeto : donne, scrittura e libri nel Medioevo. Roma : Viella, 2008.
Opere e linguaggio segreto di Dante e dei fedeli d'amore, straordinari rischiaratori dell'universo. Latina : Il levante, 2007.
Rebora, Clemente, 1885-1957. Frammenti lirici. Novara : Interlinea, c2008.
Taviani, Carlo. Superba discordia : guerra, rivolta e pacificazione nella Genova di primo Cinquecento. Roma : Viella, 2008.
Addyman, Ishbel. Cyrano : adventures in space and time with the legendary French hero. London ; New York : Simon & Schuster, 2008.
Badinter, Robert. Abolition: One Man's Battle against the Death Penalty. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2008.
Bourdieu, Pierre, 1930-2002. The bachelors' ball : the crisis of peasant society in Béarn. Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity, c2008.
Breton, André, 1896-1966. Martinique : snake charmer. Austin : University of Texas Press, 2008.
Federman, Raymond. The Sam book. Ullapool, Ross-shire [Scotland] : Two Ravens Press, c2008.
Frankland : the Franks and the world of the early Middle Ages : essays in honour of Dame Jinty Nelson. Manchester [England] : Manchester University Press, 2008.
French women poets of nine centuries : the distaff & the pen. Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
Fuchs, Rachel Ginnis. Contested paternity : constructing families in modern France. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
Gildea, Robert. Children of the Revolution : the French, 1799-1914. London ; New York : Allen Lane, 2008.
History and politics in French-language comics and graphic novels. Mark McKinney, ed. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, c2008.
Panerai, Philippe. Paris métropole: Formes et échelles du grand-Paris. Paris: Villette, 2008.
Sebbar, Leïla, and Mildred P. Mortimer. The Seine Was Red: Paris, October 1961. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008.
Sonenscher, Michael. Sans-culottes : an eighteenth-century emblem in the French Revolution. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2008.
Stewart, Mary Lynn. Dressing modern Frenchwomen : marketing haute couture, 1919-1939. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
Young, Paul J. Seducing the eighteenth-century French reader : reading, writing, and the question of pleasure. Aldershot, Hampshire, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
BnF to add records to WorldCat
This news represents the sustained effort that OCLC is making to internationalize its database. Catalog records for non-English-language materials now make up more than 50% of WorldCat's records.
For more information, please see the press release.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Antiquarian Acquisitions - October 2008
108 microfilm reels
Manuscript collection of Genoese notarial records dating from before 1300 A.D. contained in the Archivio di State in
Lemercier, A. Les marins célèbres de la France. Tours : Alfred Mame et Fils, 1882 (nouvelle edition), 191 p.
Margueritte, Victor. La patrie humaine. Faites l’Europe, sinon vous ferez la guerre. Paris. Ernest Flammarion, Éditeur, 1931, 287 p.
Pierre, Jules. L’Action Française en 1923 : sa méthode - Par tous les moyens ! ; son patriotisme ; sa morale et sa religion. Par Abbé Jules Pierre. Paris-Rennes. Bureaux de l’Ouest-Éclair, 1923, 296 p.
Savigny, Mme. Anne Victorine, 1865-1917 (pseud. Madame Thèbes). L'énigme de la main. Paris, F. Juven [1900].
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections