Tuesday, October 28, 2008

J-STOR - new journals

I know that many of you use the full-text journal database JSTOR extensively. JSTOR is constantly adding new journals to their lineup, and a new batch has just been announced. I've selected the titles of most interest to scholars in history and literary studies, listed below.

For more about JSTOR's archive, including statistics, titles, and a list of missing journal issues, see their Archive page. The "Moving Wall" for all of the titles below is 5 years, except for the History Workshop Journal, which is 7 years, and the Getty Museum Journal, which has no moving wall.

History Workshop Journal [1995- ] and History Workshop [1976-1994] (Oxford University Press)
Nos. 1 - 50 (Spring, 1976 – Autumn, 2000)

The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal (The J. Paul Getty Trust)
Vols. 1 - 24 (1974 - 1996) (Publication of this title ceased in 1996.)

Jewish Social Studies (Indiana University Press)
Vol. 1, No. 1 (January, 1939) – Vol. 50, No. 3/4 (Summer/Autumn, 1988/1993)
New Series, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Autumn, 1994) – New Series, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Autumn, 2002)

Journal of Linguistics (Cambridge University Press)
Vol. 1, No. 1 (April, 1965) – Vol. 38, No. 3 (November, 2002)

Language in Society (Cambridge University Press)
Vol. 1, No. 1 (April, 1972) – Vol. 31, No. 5 (November, 2002)

Linguistic Inquiry (MIT Press)
Vol. 1, No. 1 (January, 1970) – Vol. 33, No. 4 (Autumn, 2002)

Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome [1915- ]
Previous Title: Supplementary Papers of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome [1905-1908] (University of Michigan Press for the American Academy in Rome)
Vols. 1 - 2 (1905 - 1908)
Vols. 1 - 47 (1915/1916 – 2002)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New "très grande bibliothèque" in the works

The ground has been broken on a new TGB in Paris, the BULAC, or Bibliothèque universitaire des langues et civilizations. The new institution, projected to open in 2011, will house the Langues’O and its library as well as the collections of 23 other libraries focusing on the languages and civilizations of Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe which are currently scattered around the Paris region.

For more information, look here: http://www2.bulac.fr/

The catalog for the future library is already in progress, see http://catalogue.bulac.fr/

It will house over 1,600,000 titles, including 25,000 periodicals.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The French author J. M. G. Le Clezio is the 2008 Nobel Prize for Literature, and Professor Marc Bertrand suggested that I check to see whether we have all of his works that are available in English translation. Here's the list, taken from his Nobel Prize website:

The Interrogation / translated from the French by Daphne Woodward. – New York : Atheneum, 1964. – Translation of Le procès-verbal

Fever / translated from the French by Daphne Woodward. – New York : Atheneum, 1966. – Translation of La fièvre

The Flood / translated from the French by Peter Green. – London : H. Hamilton, 1967. – Translation of Le déluge

Terra Amata / translated from the French by Barbara Bray. – London : Hamilton, 1969 ; New York : Atheneum, 1969. – Translation of Terra amata

The Book of Flights : an Adventure Story / translated from the French by Simon Watson Taylor. – London : Cape, 1971 ; New York : Atheneum, 1972. – Translation of Le livre des fuites

War / translated from the French by Simon Watson Taylor. – London : Cape, 1973 ; New York : Atheneum, 1973. – Translation of La guerre

The Giants / translated from the French by Simon Watson Taylor. – London : Cape, 1975 ; New York : Atheneum, 1975. – Translation of Les géants

The Mexican Dream, or, The Interrupted Thought of Amerindian Civilizations / translated by Teresa Lavender Fagan. – Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1993. – Translation of Le rêve mexicain ou la pensée interrompue

The Prospector / translated from the French by Carol Marks. – Boston : David R. Godine, 1993. – Translation of Le chercheur d'or

Onitsha / translated by Alison Anderson. – Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 1997. – Translation of Onitsha

The Round & Other Cold Hard Facts = La ronde et autres faits divers / translated by C. Dickson. – Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2002. – Translation of La ronde et autres faits divers

Wandering Star : a Novel / translated by C. Dickson. – Willimantic, CT : Curbstone Press, 2004. – Translation of Étoile errante

I'm pleased to report that we have all of them except for Book of Flights, but I'm working on getting a copy of this one.

This brings up the issue of the general scarcity of translations of foreign language literature into English. Over the weekend there was an interesting article in the New York Times on just this subject. Entitled "Translation is foreign to American Publishers," it reports from the Frankfurt Book Fair, where the tepid American interest in Le Clezio's works was also discussed. It looks like his newest book, Ritournelle de la faim (Gallimard, 2008) won't be published in the US any time soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What's new in October?

Here's a short selection of titles that have recently arrived in the library - divided by language/country, but subject-wise all mixed up!

New French titles

Aranzueque-Arrieta, Frédéric. Panique : Arrabal, Jodorowsky, Topor. Paris : Harmattan, 2008.

Auduc, Arlette. Quand les monuments construisaient la nation: Le service des monuments historiques de 1830 à 1940. Travaux et documents, 25. Paris: Documentation française, 2008.

Bardakci, Özkan, and François Pugnière. La dernière croisade: Les français et la guerre de Candie, 1669. Histoire. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2008.

Bataille, Georges and Michel Leiris. Correspondence. Calcutta ; New York : Seagull Books, 2008.

Baudouin, Thierry, François Laisney, and Annie Térade. Paris, alchimies d'une métropole. Paris: Recherches, 2008.

Fardin, Liliane. 12 poètes antillais contemporains. Le monde atlantique. Bécherel: Perséides, 2008.

Lemaître, Jean Loup, and Françoise Vielliard. Portraits de troubadours: initiales du chansonnier provençal A : (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 5232). Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, 2008.

Murat, Michel. Le vers libre. Litterature de notre siecle, 36. Paris: Champion, 2008.

Renard, Jules, Louise Bogan, and Elizabeth Roget. The Journal of Jules Renard. Portland, Or: Tin House Books, 2008.

Rio, Joseph. Mémoire, oralité, culture dans les pays celtiques: la légende arthurienne, le celtisme : actes de l'université européenne d'été 2002, Université de Bretagne-Sud (Lorient). Essais. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2008.

New Italian titles

Blum, Cinzia Sartini. Rewriting the Journey in Contemporary Italian Literature: Figures of Subjectivity in Progress. Toronto Italian studies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008.

Convegno internazionale di studi, Luca Somigli, and Gino Tellini. L'arte del saltimbanco: Aldo Palazzeschi tra due avanguardie : atti del Convegno internazionale di Studi, Toronto, 29-30 settembre 2006. Biblioteca Palazzeschi, 06. Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2008.

Costa Bona, Enrica. L'Italia e la sicurezza collettiva : dalla Società delle nazioni alle Nazioni unite. Perugia : Morlacchi, c2007.

De Luca, Erri. L'ospite incallito. Torino : G. Einaudi, c2008.

Di Maggio, Elena. Le donne dell'Ospedale del Salvatore di Roma: sistema assistenziale e beneficenza femminile nei secoli XV e XVI. Ospedali medievali tra carità e servizio / Dipartimento di storia dell'Università di Siena, 4. Ospedaletto (Pisa): Pacini, 2008.

Goldoni, Carlo. Intermezzi e farsette per musica. Venezia : Marsilio, 2008.

Guidi, Laura. Vivere la guerra: percorsi biografici e ruoli di genere tra Risorgimento e primo conflitto mondiale. Saggi / Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, ClioPress, Dipartimento di discipline storiche E. Lepore, 5. Napoli: ClioPress, 2007.

Negri, Antonio. Dalla fabbrica alla metropoli: saggi politici. Alcazar. Roma: Datanews, 2008.

Rinaldi, Rinaldo. Aprire il libro : esercizi di lettura comparata. Genova [etc.] : Marietti, 2008.

Thompson, Mark. The white war : the forgotten war in Italy. London : Faber, 2008.

Monday, October 13, 2008

French Studies news from Britain

The Annual Review of the British French Studies Library Group issue 4 (2007-08) has just been released, and it contains a great deal of information on projects and resources of interest to scholars in French studies.
This is an e-only publication - you can access the PDF here: http://www.ulrls.lon.ac.uk/wesline/FSLGAnnual%20Review08.pdf

Table of contents:
  • Intute: a Developing Resource for French Studies Research by Heather Dawson and Angela Joyce ‘
  • Reassessing Narratives of War and Occupation’ – A Brief Introduction to the Work of the FRAME Project by Nina Sutherland
  • Digitising French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Drama: Warwick’s Marandet Collection of French Plays by Peter Larkin
  • Collaborative Initiative for French and North American Libraries / Initiative de collaboration entre les bibliothèques françaises et nord-américaines (CIFNAL/ICBFN) by Dominique Coulombe
  • Montaigne at Cambridge by David Lowe
  • Significant Developments in French Library-based Resources by Teresa Vernon
  • French Antiquarian Acquisitions at the British Library by Des McTernan
  • New Resources at the British Library by Teresa Vernon
  • Recent Activity in British Library Manuscript Collections
  • French drama in the Lord Chamberlain‟s Plays Collection by Caroline Radcliffe
  • Lawrence Durrell Conference by Rachel Foss
  • Pinter in Paris by Jamie Andrews
Particular mention goes to the initial articles, as well as Significant Developments in French Library-based Resources by Teresa Vernon, the head of the French Collections at the BL, which gives a detailed overview of developments in French digital libraries.

I'm involved in CIFNAL, and Stanford is a member, so please check out our still-evolving program.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Electronic Enlightenment subscription

I'm pleased to announce that the Libraries have subscribed to the Electronic Enlightenment online resource. Thanks to all of you who sent in your support.

Offered by Oxford University Press, the Electronic Enlightenment is a full text database of correspondence between Enlightenment thinkers in Britain and on the Continent. The more than 53,000 letters are all indexed and include critical notes. EE includes the complete correspondence of Voltaire, Rousseau, Pierre Bayle, and Descartes. Many of the British thinkers also carried on extensive letter-writing with their colleagues in Europe. All letters are fully searchable, and appear in their original language.

Please access at: www.e-enlightenment.com 

It should currently be available to off-campus users whose computers are configured correctly.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Antiquarian Titles

Here are some new acquisitions of antiquarian and rare books - perhaps you'll find something of interest?

Antiquarian Titles, October 2008

Gozzi, Carlo, 1720-1806.Fogli sopra alcune massime 
del genio e costumi del secolo dell'abate Pietro Chiari
e contro a' poeti Nugnez de' nostri tempi
Venezia, Colombani, 1761.
Rastrelli, Modesto. Memorie per servire alla vita 
di Leopoldo II, imperatore de' Romani, gia gran-duca
di Toscana.
Italia [Florence : s.n.], 1792.
Ah! Nana. Paris : Humanoides Associes. 
Graphic feminist magazine from the 1970s.
Caron, Pierre Siméon, 1763-1806. Le cocu consolateur,
car on en a besoin; facétie ancienne
. [Suivie de
La dame fidèle et La femme scrupuleuse
Cocupole, Chez Jean Coucou, à la Corne du Cerf,
Rue du Croissant, 1789]

Chemin Dupontès, Paul, 1876-. Les Petites Antilles;
étude sur leur évolution économique, préface de
m. Marcel Dubois. Paris, E. Guilmoto 1906.
France. Ministère des finances. Administration des finances 
de la République Française en l'an 8 et en l'an 9.
Paris :
Imprimerie de la République, Germinal, an X, [1802]
Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel de Riquetti, comte de, 1749-1791. 
Esprit de Mirabeau, ou, Manuel de l'homme d'état, des
publicistes, des fonctionnaires et des orateurs; divisé
par ordre de matières, et embrassant les différentes
branches de l'économie politique
; Paris, Fr. Buisson, 1797.
Pelletier, H.-F. La régéneration de la France, ou Essais
sur la réformation que les Etats-Généraux ont à faire
dans leur constitution...
/ par M. Pelletier. s.l. : s.n., 1789.
Some pamphlets from the French Revolution :
  • Dartigoyte. Opinion sur cette question : Louis XVI peut-il etre juge, 1792, 4p.
  • Sevestre. Sur le Jugement de Louis Capet, 1792, 4p.
  • Rudel. Sur le Jugement de Louis Capet, 1792, 6p.
  • Deleyre. Sur la question du Jugement de Louis Capet, 1792, 12p.
  • Recueil d'opinions Sur le Jugement de Louis Capet, 1793, 235p.
  • Merlin. Extrait de la loi relative a l'organisation de la garde nationale parisienne, 1795, 2p. This copy is signed by Merlin, then the Minister of Justice.
  • [Rivarol, Comte de]. Essai sur les causes de la Revolution Française,suivi de deux lettres a Milord ***, et d'une pièce de vers inédite (Paris, Chez Les Marchands de Nouveautés, 1827), 47p.

brought to you by...
Sarah Sussman, curator of French and Italian Collections